The death of The USWP

Day 883, 13:11 Published in USA USA by tdwester

This is an article that I never thought I would be writing, but it has come down to this. I have been a member of the USWP since the beginning of my e-life and have meet some great people in this game because of the party. After the name change, it has become apparent that the new Party President is solely interested in helping Max build his new party and not in preserving the USWP.

As many of you know there was a back room deal made to "merge" the USWP into the APF (and yes it was a back room deal because the general membership was never given a voice or a choice on what they wanted to do).

There are so many people I would like to thank that have been members of the USWP. I would have never have stuck around as long has I have if it wasn't for these people:

Roby Petric: He was the President of the eUSA when I started and later became the US President and President of Croatia 2 times.

Peregrine: He understood how to play the game better then anyone I have meet in this game and gave me my first shot on the USWP Executive Board.

Rocco Baldelli: He was a great Party President and pissed off a lot of people in the government by taking stands that were not popular.

ProggyPop: He always stood by his beliefs and helped make the USWP the biggest party in the world at one time.

Scrabman: A great Party President and eUSA President, but never he could figure out how to vote during congressional elections.

Ananias: A great friend and the best writer the game has seen.

Josh Frost: Another great friend that has done a lot for this country.

Ian John Locke IV: The most hyper person I have ever seen in IRC and a great organizer.

Other thanks go out to: GoBucks, Inwegen, AidenAstrup, Panther, Cerb, Zcia, ligtreb, and Glados (yes he was USWP also at one time) I am probably forgetting a dozen more that deserve praise, especially newer members of the Executive Board who I'm sorry I never got to know better.

So where does this leave us? I don't know where we go from here, but with Max in control it looks like he will have a rubber stamp on anything that he wants to get done. I'm sure the APF will control over 75% percent of congress in one way or another so there is no way for him to be Impeached when he runs for President. He has final say on whoever runs for Congress and that gives us one party rule with only a token opposition. He will probably make the argument that is the reason he has given the USWP to SEES. Should any party be given to a group of people that have not put in the time or work to make it great? And why should we give him the power to decide what parties should be around and allowed to remain. If you read his article it looks more like a contract then an idea.

This does not mean I am quitting by a long shot, but for now I will go back into the wood work, fighting for this country as a member of the eUSMC until there is an issue I feel needs to be addressed.

I do know that by trying to keep the party together, I and my choices were not a popular with the newer powers that be and I hope I pissed off a lot of you off in the Grand Tradition of the USWP!

former Secretary of Defense 2 1/2 terms
former Secretary of pissing off The Feds (yes it was a real cabinet position)
2 times mayor of Boise
8 times congressman from Idaho

USWP and proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise Alby $1=1 gold