The Business Climate of eGreece Today

Day 671, 10:50 Published in Greece Canada by Buck Roger


Land typically a bad idea.

Q1 Weapons and Moving Tickets under price pressure from within (foreign workers, often evading income tax) and without (import license). Q1 Gifts doing fine.

Q4 and Q5 Food a good idea. Q5 Weapons a good idea.

Housing a very good idea.

Based off of data collected for:

Business Opportunities in 27 Countries (Sept 20 data, 2nd edition)

Please vote up the article with the graphs for 27 countries... help it break into the top 5 of the USA and to go international!


Not recommended. Foreign interests and the naive will always create enough Q2 and Q3 (or even the completely unprofitable Q1) Iron companies in Central Greece to meet any need. The rest of the Land industries could never keep up with the Land job market.

Q1 Weapons Industry

There is plenty of evidence that foreign-owned and employed Q1 Weapons companies are operating in Greece. What might not be so evident to the reader is that they are paying "under the table" in benefits or cash donation for all but 1 GRD of the daily salary. In this way, they can essentially underbid honest business owners by the 10% tax assessed on salaries when making wage agreements.

However, it is true that at least one group is doing this, and it is perhaps the largest, with apparently 5 companies, all named "GROM" and employing high-level Manufacture workers of Polish citizenship. I looked at the company page one day to see them listing 1 GRD as payment for skill 5 work. That was, obviously, a bid for their specifically-negotiated workers compensated in other ways.

Regardless of how we think of this issue--while they are evading taxes and making it hard on many Greek business owners, they are also keeping weapons prices lower than they could ever have been otherwise in a time of war, and the workers are allies from a resource-poor nation--it does make it obvious that now may be a bad time to enter this industry in eGreece.

Q1 Moving Tickets

Two factors have led to the Moving Tickets industry getting a beating on prices, albeit not as severe as the one dealt to Weapons. The first is that a few weeks ago the prices were phenomenal and that this led to a round of capital investment into Q1 Moving Tickets companies in eGreece. The second, perhaps more critical factor is that at least a half dozen Q1 Moving Ticket companies located abroad keep tabs on the Greek market, to which they have an export license, and will list here when the 25% Import tax is not too much to bear.

Q1 Gifts

Of the three Q1 Manufacture industries, Gifts alone shows a strong profitability, driven by high prices. There is evidence for constant demand for Gifts in Greece from none other than the Ministry of New Players, which holds GRD and is located in Greece. Don't everyone jump at once, but there could be room for a couple more.

Q4 and Q5 Food

The only Q5 Food company located within Greece is a concern that seems Romanian-owned. Some competition here (he fights against only importers at 60% Import tax) would drive down the price a little, but there is plenty of pie left to be had, as Greece is one of the largest economies in the New World at this time. The USA and Romania support a much higher ratio of Q5 Food companies (mostly because they've had very active business communities longer).

Anyone who wanted to open a Q5 company could make a very profitable stop at Q4 first. They might even like it enough not to upgrade to Q5.

Q5 Weapons Companies

I believe there may be 1 or 2 located within eGreece. If you can afford to build one of these companies, I'm sure you know what you are doing, and you wouldn't overlook the market of eGreece. But I'll mention it anyway.

Housing Companies

This seems to be the real winner of the report for eGreece. Every level of Housing would be profitable on paper in eGreece, even the often-difficult Q1 market. And, as you might expect, it just gets sweeter as you increase in Quality of Housing. There are a lot of wealthy people in Greece, there will be even more in the future, Greece has had continuous population growth for a while now, and the Housing companies just don't exist yet (in adequate number), especially not at the highest qualities. The Construction labor market in eGreece does not appear to be very hot at all yet. Anyone reading this who founds even a Q1 or Q2 Housing company to sell to eGreece could make a good profit. When necessary, upgrading to higher quality would almost guarantee a profit (the highest quality Housing companies prove to be profitable worldwide).

Thanks for reading. VOTE UP both this article in Greece and the article with the complete international report!