The Aritcle Never been Published, or How To End War as We Know It.

Day 146, 14:46 Published in USA USA by Justinious McWalburgson III

[Note: This is the Article i had attempted Posted a few hours prior, but as of a glitched server was erased and has to be rewritten. It was longer and more formal the fist time, but i'm still pissed i'm re-writing all of it, so decided to cut out most of the formality.]

Firstly i would like to say how I am finally happy with the state of Erepublik in awhile. Without trying to jinx what we do have now. I am very happy with the verbal ceasefire that has occurred between America and its Canadian Neighbors. This war became more of a trouble that it should have, that it i ever thought it could have, and more than it was ever worth. What is a slightly better economy at the cost of how we are viewed by the rest of world? This has caused me to think very hard over what could be done to better this system. Although this may never work in the real world, my idea adapts very well to the world of Erepublik. I propose The Fair War Act.

> Please note this more of a corporate merger in idea, than an actual war. Its better to think of each nation as a company for the sake of waging war. both nations fail and take a lose in the end.

The Fair War Act here by planned out on April of The Year 2008, Day 146 of the New World. The Fair War Act is a New way to wage war in the New World. A way for two nations with minimal differences to truly come together under one flag, with minimal disturbances in the social and economic areas. The following guidelines have been established to provide a easier way for nations to wage eWar with another. Its an open communication war between two sides.

I. No Nation is obligated to follow these guidelines, and they are adopted where they are felt to be needed. Any Nation adopting these guidelines in their completion should state this properly to any other involving nations.

II. Before any formal declaration of war is made or discussed openly both leaders of their respective nations must have conversed with each other and come to a formal agreement.
A. The Leaders of both Nations must establish what will be the extent of the war, how much one nation will pay the other, when to notify their public upon the decision, and what lines may not be crossed by either nation.
B. This will be a verbal contract and Honorable contact is expected, both parties must decide on the consequences for a breach in the contract during the extent of the war. Both Leaders are to be Fully Informed of the Intents of the other, any attempt by either side to trick the other, will null the contract, and may call for intervention from the admin.*
C. Both sides must Electronically Sign a document and sent it to one another, and also later publish said document for their own people to see.

III. The Leaders of both Nations must then inform their citizens of the war upon the following lines.
A. In a formal statement the leader of each nation will announce the proposed idea for the war, stating the guidelines reached, the consequences, and the lines that shall not be crossed during the war time.
B. If any citizens feel they do not agree with what has been established for the war they are able to take up a formal complaint with their superior politician or officer to take this up with the Nations advisement council.
C. The Consequences for any citizen breaking the rules of engagement shall be posted so they are will informed of this. If any citizen being will informed does so willing break the guidelines established he shall suffer the consequences set out by both nations, including but not limited too, loss of job, to be ostracized, and expulsion from any formal rank or position.

IV. During the actual act of war certain ways must be established to assure a smooth transition from battle to battle.

A. Firstly the attacking nation must establish a series of groups or departments.
1. Both governments need to establish a Defensive and Assault League. The purpose of which is to have the government direct control over their national army, to minimize any cheating or bug exploitation.
2. Both Nations shall also instate a Fair War League of citizens appointed by the government and funded by the government to give out high quality gifts to the losers of any given battle on either country.
3. If any citizen wills to be part of any of these departments they need to contact their government recruiting office

B. The Attacking Nation shall also set up an account in the Defending nations own currency. The nation will then start buying the foreign currency in exchange for Gold and in exchange for the local currency.

C. Both Nations shall highly subsidize any and all moving tickets, to allow any citizens who do want to be seen as an invader or to be invaded a way of leaving. This will minimize on any social unrest.
1. it is highly recommended that during this time, no citizens voice hatred towards the opposing nation, gloating should be not present, and any form of nationalism which boarders extremism or racism shall be dealt with as their leader sees fit.
2. If any soldier is found during this time is found to be in full knowledge of what he is doing, to be going against what their government has established as fair guidelines they are to be punished to the full extend of eRepublik law.

D. Battle times shall be established by the leaders of the Defense and Assault leagues. To aid in a quick battle, and to minimize all draws the following shall be instated.
1. All Attackers shall be equipped with Q2 or higher quality weapons. All soldiers in the Assault league shall be of the highest national strength available.
2. All Defenders should not have any items equipped with any weapons when possible, also the Defensive league soldiers should have a strength of 2.5 or less when at all possible. These soldiers should also be of very high wellness, with hospitals available.
3. When Conquering and Securing a territory, the Maximum amount of Attackers and the Minimum amount of defenders should be used to assure speed.
4. Please take note this is not an attempt to rig the mechanics of war in the game, but rather a way of merging to countries in the cleanest fashion.
5. If any mercenaries are hired by either side they need to be fully and completely informed of the contract and rules of engagement. No Country can claim innocent on the actions of a mercenary if that mercenary was hired by the country.

V. After The War is over, both sides shall come to a peace meeting and the rest of the contract shall be fulfilled, with both sides completing their expected duties.

A. The Nation who has now conquered the other must establish a political party representing the nation that has just been taken over.

B. All Citizens of the new nations shall have the same rights, and shall be considered as social equals from that point forward. Any unrest or social prejudice left over after the war shall be dealt with their respecting Leaders.

VI. If any nation would only like to adopt these guidelines in part, and not in whole. They are expected to Inform any involved member, be they nations, leaders, citizens, or otherwise of all changes being made. They are also to state clearly which areas have been altered, why, and how so. This is to clear up any confusion, and to further prevent any foul play. All Citizens of Erepublik are held under the hopes of honorable conduct and all are expected to act thusly.

Well that my friends is The Fair War Act. I hope you like it, i still think the initial version was slightly better, but still if u have any comments, suggestions, complains, ridicules, anything. Comment me, or PM me. If your nation would like to Adopt it please PM I'd be very excited to know this. Oh and please vote this if u like it.

Thank you again. ~Justinious