St Krems is the National Candidate; Now Go Help Croatia!

Day 987, 01:42 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Well the first national primary in eUS history is over, and the winner is St Krems! I wish I could say that it went off without a hitch however any voters who attempted to vote later in the day were faced with a broken API that would not budge. I would like to apologize to the citizens who were not allowed to vote and I assure you that we’re mad as hell at eRepublik’s poorly designed API; which the admins are apparently fine with letting go down for hours on end. However we must persevere and remember that this primary was created not for our squabbling domestic politics but to assist our great ally Croatia!

Hail Croatia!

Croatia is under the gravest threat of Political Take Over it has faced yet, open citizenship means that as soon as you move to Croatia you can request and immediately receive Croatian Citizenship. Croatians are staring down this threat with their usual grit and determination, they have rallied behind the unity candidate Fabius.

We are asking every American who can to fill out this ATO form (click here) you will then be provided with two Zone 3 tickets for a flight to Croatia, where upon arrival you can request Croatian Citizenship and vote in their Presidential Election from Croatia or from the eUS (provided you retain your Croatian Citizenship). Please remember VOTE FABIUS! We also ask that you retain your new citizenship as long as possible to help Croatia fend off PTO attempts in the months ahead.

In the interest of transparency and to show that while the primary was prematurely brought to an end by the failed API that St Krems is the legitimate winner of the primary and our National Candidate for President of the eUnited States of America.

Click for larger size

This graph shows the election trending in St Krems’ favor for the entire day, once such a trend is established it is very rare for the second place candidate to mount a comeback. This does not justify the the performance of the API nor does it assuage the feeling of disenfranchisement for all those citizens who wished to vote.

The second controversy during the day was towards the end, when the election coordinating team was approached and shown that the eRepublik Wiki showed that the Party Presidents had until the end of the third to select Country President Candidates; this was a fraudulent wiki edit. You can see in this link here that the change was made on August 1st and then the same culprit attempted to hide his deception by changing it back here. We were however prepared in case that the information was incorrect by setting up all the top five parties with the official nominee in the largest party (USWP) and blockers in the other four; nominating five candidates from each top five party prevents a PTO’d smaller party from slipping a enemy candidate onto the ballot and threatening our sovereignty and distracting us from helping Croatia.

Please respect that St Krems is the official candidate of the eUS and that the other four candidates on the ballot are only blockers. Please help our allies in Croatia by moving there obtaining citizenship and voting for Fabius who is Croatia’s unity candidate.