Shoulder to shoulder...

Day 1,448, 00:41 Published in USA Greece by Dogtooth


This is my first article in the US.

This article is not trying to win any MM medals, I'm just trying to speak my mind, hoping that it will find a warm response from you.

I am originally eGreek. Most of my e-country is under occupation, from our not-so-friendly neighbors.
But I'm not writing to complain or anything.

I'm writing to you, my fellow Americans, to tell you that 2 days ago I earned my first Battle Hero Medal here in Kentucky, against Serbia.
I only write this to tell you, that when you gave me citizenship, you truly earned yourself an ally. Not in words, but in actions. We may have lost that battle, but we're winning today's against Serbia in West Virginia. And I'm there, fighting for us.

You may be many things Americans, the world may call you many many things and names, but you are also pure, honest, and loyal.
(Of course I am talking about the people, not the politicians..)
Today, I am proud to stand amongst you and call myself an eAmerican even if it lasts for a few months.

You are always envied along with very few other e-countries for your resource abundance. I was there when 4 combined forces of ONE (Poland, Serbia, Hungary,Indonesia) tried to delete you. I was young and unimportant, so I stood by and watched, I even tried to help a little. However, today, I am truly able to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and shed my e-blood with you.

Americans, united we stand, divided we fall.

God bless America

Your friend and ally,
