
Day 2,021, 15:12 Published in USA USA by MazzyCat

Kitty here!

I have tried. I tried to find new things to get interest in. I tried to ignore so many things going on around me. I really did try. Yet.. no matter what I was constantly sucked into the drama. I don't like that at all. Sometimes I did it to myself. Sometimes I did not. Frankly at this point I don't really think that matters.

I am sorry for the jobs I took on that I won't be fulfilling. I am sorry for breaking agreements and promises. It's not really the sort of person I am, but this is a game. And if I'm not having fun then why would I bother doing anything? So.. I can either quit. Which frankly I adore too many people to do that. Or I can go to another country.

So I am going to another country. You will still see my name about #wtp, and a few other channels. I won't disappear for good. I won't be gone, but I won't have to deal with or care about the pure butthurt that the eUS has become. (Myself included at times...and if you aren't one of the butthurt then this isn't about you.) I've made many friends here. I plan to keep those friendships, but enough is enough people. People make mistakes. I make mistakes. You make mistakes. We are all humans here. (Ok nose. I'm a cat!)

This is not a decision I made just now - I've been planning this for a while. I just kept letting things keep me here. But.. I've had it. Pure and simple. I'm done with it all. I'll hold out till the 6th. Since someone said that would be acceptable. (yea.. I was talking about myself in that convo.)

Anyways.. I really do adore the majority of you. Even more of you I like SO much better when eRep isn't part of the conversation. I really hope y'all understand and forgive my drastic move. And please.. don't try to change my mind.

Kitty out.