Rolo for CP.....Why Not?

Day 1,292, 18:33 Published in Canada Canada by Rolo Tahmasee
Rolo for CP?

Fur Serious?

Why not?

Here's Why...

Military Plan

There are some rumblings about Sweden wanting to get a taste of our Cherry Pie...Sweden can go and Screw itself. If they come knocking, we'll be answering with the 5 of Clubs and the Ace of Spades....

Now I'd much rather venture into the US and mess with those Spanish Occupied regions, but either way, we WILL have a mission for June, and we WILL have a purpose to whatever we end up doing


Cash, particularly for HOPE, I want to get guns into the hands of the average citizens who can't afford it. The game is more about fun. Build up everyone's XP possible - with over a million CAD in the treasury, no ones WAR budget will fall short because there is no budget - There is a blank cheque..

Anyone else got a military plan of interest? - Didn't think so

Economic Plan

The only person I know who can burn through a Million CAD in a month is Wes Lewis, and he ain't around. So, since there will be left over CAD after the blank cheque to the Military is cashed, I will spur the CAD recovery with the following plan

1)We will take CAD and purchase excess goods on the eCanadian market. this will stop the admin bot, because we will be buying our own excess

2)We will sell that Canadian excess to foreign countries with low import taxes. This will give us an abundance of foreign currency we can then convert to GOLD on THEIR Markets

3)We take that GOLD and resell it on the Canadian Market, thus increasing the GOLD supply with will lessen the demand. Less demand = a recovered CAD

This combined with the removal of the admin bot (since we will be buying our own excess and hawking it elsewhere) will result in a recovered CAD

Anybody else got an economic plan as good as this one? - Didn't think so..

Theft Plan

Don't have one...No seriously, I don't

You see, I have no interest in CAD, I have plenty and it's mostly worthless, besides, it's all locked up anyways, and one can only steal 10 Gold per day, so at best I could get 20 Gold before impeachment, not really worth it..

I will also take this opportunity to forge the argument that I actually have SAVED the country money by previously stealing it

But HOW?

By killing the Ministry of Industries, I saved the people $60,000 CAD per month for the last 10 months

By stealing all the GOLD and CAD I prevented Wes Lewis from stealing it when he was CP, and spending it ALL (Which he did in about 3 weeks with his haul)

I still have most of the assets, and the GOLD. Look at my Military Skill, I obviously have not tanked with it - the only way to really burn through GOLD in this game

Anyone else got a reason not to Steal? - Didn't think so

Legacy Plan

In the article here I was ranked by none other than Adasko (John Cleese) at #3 all time Post Beta eCanadians. Right behind TFD and Jacobi. That in itself made EVERYTHING all worth it, and I wouldn't change a thing, but it has to end sometime..

As CP I will liquidate all personal assets in one form or another during the one month term. I will donate 1 Q5 Weapon Company to the CAF, 1 Q5 Weapon to TCO and A Q5 Food and Weapon to HOPE

In addition, a couple of thousand GOLD and enough CAD to sink a ship, seems like a good way to end a Presidency - Don't believe me, well, I can't help you - This can be a Low risk, High reward situation should you choose to take it..

So, yeah, Vote to be Entertained, or Vote to be Bored, The choice as always is matter what I can't be worse than Kaz..

Anyone else got a greater Legacy? - Didn't think so

Vote Rolo on June 5th - Why Not?

Rolo Tahmasee
#3 Most Important Post-Beta eCanadian, #1 in your Hearts