Region Amazonica de Brasil es conquistada por España

Day 1,071, 12:56 Published in Bolivia Bolivia by Ernesto_Guevara


"Voce colhe o que semea"

" Cosechas lo que siembras".

Brasil durante meses, creyo estar lejos de cualquier amenaza a su integridad territorial.

Bajo esa premisa, hoy demostrada como falaz, se daba el lujo de abusar y amedrentar a otras naciones, incluso permitiendose la organizacion de TOs.

Ahora, con todos sus amiguitos recibiendo palizas alrededor del mundo ( Rusia borrada del mapa, Turquia humillada por Grecia, etc etc) le llego el turno a Brasil.

Brigada de Operaciones Especiales (BOPE) de Brasil intentando repeler el avance español sobre el amazonas.

Hubo un tiempo en que habria salido, sin dudarlo, a defender a nuestro vecino.

Pero ese tiempo es parte de un brumoso pasado. No se le da a quien no merece.

Y lo unico que ha merecido Brasil hace meses, es que venga alguien, de su tamaño, y le desinfle el ego, que lo tenian demasiado crecidito.

Que esto que se les viene encima sirva para que su ciudadania tenga un necesario revulsivo... quitarse de encima a aquellos que ocupan, adaeternum el poder politico, y han llevado a su pais a este descalabro... belicosos que destrozaron la imagen y el respeto que Brasil era capaz de obtener de sus vecinos regionales, olvidando que eRepublik tiene un modulo de guerra, pero que tambien hay cosas mas utiles que el empuñar un fusil.

Apostaron por la violencia, el desprecio a los paises menos fuertes, descartaron la valia de un buen trabao diplomatico y ahora les toca bailar con la mas fea.

Cosechan lo que sembraron... que aproveche el atracon!


By month Brazil believed they were far away, enough to become an isolated and protected land from their enemies..

Under this assumption, now shown as false, had the luxury of abusing and intimidating other nations, including allowing the organization of TO.

Now, with all his friends getting beaten around the world (Russia wiped off the map, Turkey humbled by Greece, etc etc) it was his turn to Brazil.

Special Operations Brigade (BOPE) from Brazil trying to repel the Spanish advance on the Amazon.

There was a time that would have gone out, without hesitation, to defend our neighbor.

But that time is part of a hazy past. Not given to those who do not deserve.

And the only thing that has won Brazil for months, is that someone comes along, its size, and will deflate their ego bubble, which had too big.

That this comes over them, let their citizens have a salutary necessary ... get rid of those who occupy ad-aeternum political power, and led his country to this setback ... bellicose that destroyed the image and respect that Brazil was able to obtain from its regional neighbors, forgetting that eRepublik has a module of war, but also there are things more useful than wielding a gun.

Bet on violence, contempt for the weaker countries, discounted the value of a good diplomat effort and now their turn to dance with the ugliest.

Reap what you sow ... enoy your meal!