please read !!!!! indian info all news papers please report!

Day 984, 04:23 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

To all the citizens of eindia this is a formal message both to the old and new players concerning the information passing and to newspaper editors of india to make ur voice be heard.

Here i would like to request u all to join the forum of eindia at eindia forum please register here and be a part of the indian society.

To have a pleasant chat with some of our old players visit the indian IRC chat room here
IRC india chat room
please visit both the chat room and forum and socialize with your fellow citizens and raise politically and socially in eindia. Grab your chance and make you own history.

Keep in mind that every victory wont come easy! you need to work for it !!!!!!!" />
The important thing is as there lingers a PTO threat for presidential candidate.The current indian president and his cabinet has decided to hold a vote up for pre presidential candidacy in eforums india.So, please kindly register in forums and vote for your favorite !!!

Stand united and drive away the PTO threat!!!!!! choose ur future to be president!" />
This section of message from now is intended to promote and to catalog all the indian newspapers!
So IAI formally request all indian news papers to register with internal affairs so that we can monitor all the news papers and give a big catalog of indian news papers to ur newbies !!!!!

And IAI also requests all the citizens and especially newbies to subscribe to all the papers that IAI catalogs and read them daily.please inform this project and shout to all the indians.

Just comment ur newspaper link and name in the comments and in the next article of IAI ur news paper will be mentioned with link and u get subscribers and india will be informed.

Hope u all welcome this small project to interlink and create a web of information in india!" />

dharma vardhan
minister of Internal Affairs india