Platoon CX

Day 1,333, 07:11 Published in Sweden Sweden by carlos

To the victor goes the spoils, that is the art of war. I would like to welcome you all the platoon CX. Let me explain to you what that means. Platoon CX is essentially like any other swedish platoon in that we follow the orders of TSM and they pay the bills, however there is one difference, we are the expat platoon. We are made up of Danes, Serbians, Swedes, Spanish and many more, people from all over the e-World. We accommodate them by having our main language in English, the widely recognized official language of erepublik.

Furthermore, as this is a social game we have a Military Unit where we talk about anything and everything to do with the game or RL. A commune is also in operation to give our members free tanks and we have a generous membership that always help each other out when needed. So if you would like to join our fraternity please go on to .se and follow these steps You will get paid for orders and will get lots of bonus stuff as well.
Looking forward to serving with you,
Platoon commander

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