Phil Harmony has a High conflict Personality

Day 3,565, 08:49 Published in USA USA by Dethicon

this is not an insult towards phil but during my research it sounds like Phil has what is known as a High Conflict Personality which describes a lot of his actions including
Blaming others
All or nothing Thinking (if you aren't on his side you're a "pig disgusting elitist" or a troll)
Unmanaged emotions and Extreme behaviors and exhibits several of the patterns of the disorder
Rigid and Uncompromising
Negative emotions dominate thinking
inability to reflect on their own behavior
Difficulty empathizing with others
Preoccupied with blaming others
Avoids Any Responsibility For the Problem or the Solution (it's all the "pig-disgusting elitist fault)
HCPs and people with personality disorders share three key characteristics:

1. They lack self-awareness, especially of the effects of their own interpersonal behavior on others.

2. They don’t change their behavior, even when receiving repeated negative feedback.

3. They “externalize” responsibility for problems in life, blaming forces beyond themselves.
HCPs and people with personality disorders share three key characteristics:

1. They lack self-awareness, especially of the effects of their own interpersonal behavior on others.

2. They don’t change their behavior, even when receiving repeated negative feedback.

3. They “externalize” responsibility for problems in life, blaming forces beyond themselves.