Petition for Perception

Day 3,309, 10:21 Published in Austria Italy by NEELIXERKLES

We begin with a brief telling of an episode in the history of Admin-Citizen relations.

Over a year ago (It was September 2, 2015, day 2842), fresh off of a successful event called “Winner Takes it All”, Admin announced a game change that had taken effect immediately(!) Here is the exact wording of the announcement:

Without asking you to think too hard about the details, let’s summarize: Admin killed off nearly all of the available Prestige bonus in Epic battles.

This announcement was met by OUTRAGE. (The response was SO fast and SO bad that Admin didn’t even add an update thread to the Forum!)

By 09:37 server time, Admin had reversed its decision (as was predicted in the above referenced article).

It was the most stark example in 9 years of eRepublik of Admin responding quickly to the community. It took less than 10 hours for the eRepublik Community to influence Admin to do something smart.

Citizens of eRepublik, it is time to flex our muscle once more.

We, the eUSA Government are calling upon all citizens of the New World to sign a petition requesting that Plato introduce promised changes.

First: Perception Training.

It has been 142 days (and counting) since Admin launched Air-to-Air (ATA) combat into the battlefield. From a mechanics standpoint it has been a successful and interesting dynamic. ATA rounds are critical to campaign victory and are often fiercely contested. ATA combat has also given rise to a cottage industry (which is also woefully limited to the Q1 weapon) as well as specialists in ATA combat.

In fact, many faithful members of the eRepublik community have gone to enormous lengths to revamp entire Military Unit Infrastructures, Commune Systems, Distribution Networks, Avatar Frames, and more. All of which begs the question:

Why are we still waiting for Perception Training?

Citizens of the New World, please take one minute to sign this Petition:

Petition Plato for Percepton

You and Admin can view the results here.

Secon😛 Q6 and Q7 Housing

It has probably become embarrassing by now, hasn’t it Admin? Did you really intend to introduce Q1-5 housing only to wait 784 days (and counting) without even a whisper about expanding it to Q6 and Q7? You are responsible for the graphics that have been teasing us with the promise for over two years. Q6 and Q7 are your idea, not ours. So DO IT.

Why are we still waiting for Q6 and Q7 Houses?

Citizens of the New World, please take one minute to sign this Petition:

Petition Plato for Q6 and Q7 Houses

You and Admin can view the results here.

If these petitions are successful there will be more.

What can you do?

1: Shout this article. More than once.
2: Publish your article including links to our Petitions. (Here is the code to copy/paste in your newspaper)
3: Consider how much RL money you spend on poorly run browser games.
4: Demand that Admin pay attention to this community of gamers.