Penguin for President!

Day 911, 14:52 Published in Canada Canada by Lord Penguin

Major Edit:
Part 2: as in actually serrious

Hello eCanada

I am here to announce my candidacy for Canada's highest office.

What are your qualifications for this post?

I am a penguin, so therefore I am awesome, also I was a Congressman once.... in Saskatchewan.

Any other qualifications?

Uhm no.

What is your stance on Canada Politics?

I think that Canada has an aweso - hahaah no no this is what I think Canadian Politics is ...

What is your stance on the Titanium Rental/Keep Debate

If other countries want it, they can buy what we sell of the market, If we do rent one, it shouldn't be NWT and no I'm not just saying that because I currently have a Diamond mine in NWT.

Who would be in your cabinet?

Ah finally you ask that here is my cabinet.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Octavian_F
Minister of Money: TemujinBC
Minister of Propa- I mean Communications: Jacobi
Minister of War: J. Robert Calder
Minister of Coffee and Donuts: Salem Lovenkraft
Minster of Everything Else: Addy Lawrence

Thank you it has been most insightful

Your welcome.

Vote Penguin.

Edit: I am acctually being 'serrious' here, I'd love to get onto the ballot, i'm not acctually aiming to get in, but if by some grace of god I actually got in, I would do a dam good Penguin job! (And I wouldn't have Oct_F as my Minister of FA)