Party elections ongoing - remember to vote! VOL 1. --- UPDATED

Day 295, 00:30 Published in Norway Finland by Aquatica
Party elections - a new time?
It's time for monthly party elections and candidates for party presidency and next months presidential elections...

How is the fight? Hard to tell - elections just started so no real results or information is available.

Worshippers of Wodan
With SF - Sovereign Finland party, there seems to be few candidates. Janir being one of the more extreme ones with very heavy nationalism thought - and mind me saying - whining (some for a reason, mostly not, but that's just my personal opinion) and he drives very hard campaign. Then there's the standing President Inunova who is far more of thinker and diplomat than extreme activist with far more self-possessed views.
Also he thinks before he acts, he thinks before he speaks and is mindful on issues in general.

EDIT - Added one canditate on this article!
And, last but not the least, Sormuspopolous who represents same kind of line as Inunova, being mindful and intellectual person as far as I know.

Yes, it is clear who I voted for and who is my favorite. And for a reason. InuNova attempts to keep eNorway up and running while, at the same time, prepare eFinland for independency, not by making enemies but befrieding neighbours. Yes, he is a first-term president with limited experience on presidency - but who would have experience on first term? No one. And if people won't give a chance, that experience is never earned.
So, give him a chance and all those in Sovereign Finland to vote for your favorite, however I stress you that don't be extreme nationalists, as it would propably be seen as hostility from us, and that is the last thing we want.

InuNova is a good choise, but voting is free - vote whoever you think would suit best as a president candidate on next months presidential elections.

Anyway, everyone of the canditates - happy hunting for votes!

Congressman Aquatica,
World News Network