Our Common Enemy - Plato

Day 3,310, 12:18 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.
There's no header on this article, because I want it to clearly be a bit more serious.

I have played this game for a long time. I've seen players of every stripe come and go, and I've seen every iteration of eRep since the beginning. For years, there was no 'common enemy' among the players. People made their own, or drew their lines along RL boundaries. Many still do.

However, since the failure of v2/Rising, we have had a common enemy. The eRep Administration.

The game we play is a business for them, that's natural and I do not begrudge their leadership their hope to make money from their business. But there needs to be a balance. Continually stripping down the game so that the only way to derive any sort of mechanical 'victory' requires the spending of large amounts of money creates an imbalance.

For those who haven't been around as long, 'gold beasting' has been a thing since the early wars of eRep. But there was a limit. You could not fight an unlimited amount. No matter how much money you spent, there was an absolute daily cap on the damage you could do in a single day. Because of that, goldbeasts could be countered. They were still a pain in the butt, to be sure, but strong recruitment and retention efforts could ensure that their opposition could counter them.

Those days are no more.

If someone wants to spend one million dollars on eRep (lol) and win every battle, then can do so. No matter how many people are recruited, how many people click fight opposite them, they have the ability to do as much damage as they want.

The balance does not exist.

So, I suggest that we show the Administration what that imbalance feels like. This is not a call for people to stop spending money on the game, this is not a call for a boycotting of wars, this is a call to arms.

Romania is the top ranked country in the game. They are also home to eRep HQ (despite legally existing in Ireland). The Romanian community has the most access to Plato and his minions, and has mysteriously been ahead of the curve when game changing (read as: breaking) changes have been implemented.

So, let's show them the imbalance at work.

They're ranked number 1. Let's have numbers 2-10 attack them. Not with the aim to keep them perma-wiped. Not with any malicious intent towards the players. I have many Romanian friends, and I do not wish them ill. This is about the Admins, not the players.

Simply to demonstrate that balance is necessary.

With 31 regions, it would take us only a few days to launch and wipe. Then we hold them for 3-5 days before releasing the regions peacefully.

I'm not asking for any national leaders to comment below, as I am speaking only for myself. Repeat, I am speaking only for myself. If enough parties are interested, I will use all of my political leverage in the USA to see this war through, but for now I am acting as an individual. But if you are a President/MoFA/MoD and are interested...shoot me a message.

I remain,

Your obedient servant,
