Osveta Titana / Titan revenge

Day 2,032, 00:53 Published in Serbia Serbia by mwolf

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English below
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Dokaži svoju snagu !!! 1/4

Opis: Neophodno je da budeš jak Bog da bi pobedio Titana, tako da običan smrtnik treba da bude zaista mnogo snažan.

Uslovi: Povećaj svoju snagu za 10

Nagrada:Čokoladica: 1

Dokaži svoju snagu !!! 2/4

Opis: Nemoj da se zavaravaš, dugačak je put da dostigneš snagu Perseja.

Uslov: Povećaj snagu za 90 poena

Nagrada: Energy Bar: 3

Dokaži svoju snagu !!! 3/4

Opis: Možda ne možeš da budeš snažan kao Titan ali možeš da napraviš Balističku raketu ...

Uslov: Napravi 1 raketu

Nagrada: bh_rocket: 1

Dokaži svoju snagu !!! 4/4

Opis: Izgleda da si skoro spreman. Sada se izdigni iz statusa običnog smrtnika i postani heroj

Uslov: Osvoji BH

Nagrada: 4 x Velike Bombe

Dokaži svoju mudrost 1/4

Opis: Neće biti lako da nadjačaš Titana, ali možda možeš da ga nadmudriš, koristeći svoje životno iskustvo.

Uslov: Zaposli se

Nagrada: Čokoladica: 1

Dokaži svoju mudrost 2/4

Opis: Otisni se u svet i sakupi što više mudrosti koliko možeš za veliku borbu koja sledi.

Uslov.: Povrati 1500 energije u 1 danu (možeš da koristiš čokoladice)

Nagrada: Raketa x 1

Dokaži svoju mudrost 3/4

Opis: Možda imaš neko iskustvo sada, ali Perzej je 1000 godina star

Uslov.: Povrati 3000 energije u 1 danu (možeš da koristiš čokoladice)

Nagrada: 3 Čokoladice

Dokaži svoju mudrost 4/4

Opis: U redu, Žutikljunac, Sakupio si vekove mudrosti u samo jednom danu, Završi svoju inicijaciju i suoči se sa Titanom!

Uslov.: Povrati 5000 energije u 1 danu (možeš da koristiš čokoladice)

Nagrada: 50 Strength

Dokaži svoju čast 1/4

Opis: Čak se i Bogovi plaše Titana, ali neće biti na tvojoj strani ako ne dokažeš da si častan borac.

Uslov: Pobedi 5 neprijatelja

Nagrade: bazuka x 3

Dokaži svoju čast 2/4

Opis: Bogovi Žele od tebe da putuješ po svetu i da dokažeš svoje čisto srce u borbi., Samo napred, ne možeš da protuvrečiš Bogovima.

Uslov: Bori se u 2 različite kampanje i pobedi po 25 neprijatelja u svakoj

Nagrada: Bazuka Buster x 3

Dokaži svoju čast 3/4

Opis: Putujući svetom, Kult Perseja je oformljen i počeli su da pale i žare sve na svom putu. Zaustavi ih da se njihov kult ne otrgne kontroli!

Uslov: Pobedi 200 neprijatelja

Nagrade: Snaga 50

Dokaži svoju čast 4/4

Opis: Dobio si naklonost Bogova!, Bori se u njihovo ime i oni će ti povećati tvoje Rank poene da dostigneš nivo Titana !

Uslov: Bori se da naneseš više od XXX štete (vrednost štete je za svakoga drugačiji i zavisi od nivoa i snage)

Nagrade: 10 % of XXXXXXXXX u Military Rank poenima

Opis: Prezej te čeka na vrhu Planine, izdišući paru i lavu. Možeš li da pobediš legendarnog Titana i da ga baciš sa vrha u dubine Podzemlja !

Uslov: pobedi 200 neprijatelja + Pobedi Titana Perzeja

5 malih i
5 velikih bombi


Prove Your Strength 1/4

Description: It takes a strong God to defeat a Titan, so a mere mortal must be very strong indeed.

Conditions: Increase your strength with 10 points,,

Rewar😛Energy Bar: 1

Prove Your Strength 2/4

Description: Don't be fooled, there's a long way left to reach the strength of Perses.

Conditions: Increase your strength with 90 points,

Rewar😛Energy Bar: 3

Prove Your Strength 3/4

Description: Maybe you can't be as strong as a Titan, but Titans can't build ballistic rockets...

Conditions: Build 1 Rocket,,

Rewar😛 bh_rocket: 1

Prove Your Strength 4/4

Description:It seems you are almost ready. Now rise from the status of ordinary mortal and become a hero!

Conditions:Win a BH

Rewar😛 4 x Big Bomb

Prove Your Wisdom 1/4

Description: It's not going to be easy to overpower the Titan, but maybe you can outsmart him using your life experience.

Conditions: Have a job

Rewar😛 Energy Bar: 1

Prove Your Wisdom 2/4

Description: Go out in the world and gain as much wisdom as you can for the big fight ahead.

Conditions: Recover 1500 Energy in 1 day

Rewar😛 Rocket: 1

Prove Your Wisdom 3/4

Description:You may have some experience now, but Perses is thousands of years old

Conditions:Recover 3000 Energy in one day

Rewar😛 3 Energy Bars

Prove Your Wisdom 4/4

Description:All right, greenhorn, you have gathered ages of wisdom in just one day. Finish your initiation and face the Titan!

Conditions:Recover 5000 Energy in one day

Rewar😛 50 Strength

Prove Your Honor 1/4

Description: Even the Gods are afraid of the Titan, but they won't favour you in battle unless you prove to be an honorable fighter.

Conditions: Defeat 5 enemies,,

Rewar😛 bazooka: 3

Prove Your Honor 2/4

Description: The Gods want you to travel the world and prove your clean heart in battle. Go ahead now, you cannot argue with the Gods.

Conditions: Fight in 2 different campaigns and defeat 25 enemies in each.,,

Rewar😛Bazooka Booster: 3

Prove Your Honor 3/4

Description:While you were travelling the world, a cult of Perses was formed and started to burn and pillage everything in their way. Stop them before their cult grows out of control!

Conditions😃efeat 200 Enemies

Rewar😛 Strength: 50

Prove Your Honor 4/4

Description: You have gained the favour of the Gods! Fight in their name and they will raise your Rank Points to help you reach the might of Titan!

Conditions:Fight to inflict more than XXXX damage (different number of needed damage for everyone)

Rewar😛10 % of XXXX in Military Rank points

Description: Perses awaits for you on a mountaintop, breathing hot steam and sweating lava. Can you slay the legendary Titan and throw him from the cliffs back into the depths of the Underworld?

Defeat 200 enemies
Defeat Perses the Titan

5 Small Bombs
5 x Big Bombs

★ ☆ ✰★ ☆ ✰★
Osveta titana / Titan revenge
★ ☆ ✰★ ☆ ✰★