Oct - Nov UK Citizen Survey (Results)

Day 2,175, 12:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VaultGuy
Oct - Nov UK Citizen Survey (Da Results)

In the last survey, I reported the results in lots of details and fancy graphs, however I have decided I cannot be arsed to do that every month. Therefore I will be doing what Invalidation suggested and do a graphs and stuff every six months.

This month, there was one extra person that filled in the survey, therefore resulting in a total of 24 people participating.

Once again for the wages, I will not add any wages of those that work in a commune as it will affect the results. 17/24 players were not in a commune.
Mean Wage: 22.2GBP /day

Median Wage: 25GBP /day

There was 1 particularly low wage at 0.1GBP which caused the mean to be lower than the median. Without this result, the mean comes to 23.58GBP.

The majority of the players are still earning between 22GBP and 25GBP, but as the prices of weapons have decreased recently due to the lack of tournaments and missions, this is a fairly good result, but would still be nicer to see some scheme or something that helps British workers whose only source of income is their wage, ahem Mr Next CP 😛
Other Results

Daily Order - 17/24 said they completed the daily order (70😵 which is fairly the same result as last month with 69% (lol) saying they completed the daily order.

Newspaper - There was a significantly lower amount of people that said they did not own a newspaper this month, 66.6% said they did own one compared to last months 82.6%.
Current State of UK

"The current eUK state is pretty bad in my opinion as the country is slowly deteriorating and our retention rate is poor. I believe the re-introduction of both the Ministry of Retention and the Ministry of Legislative Affairs will encourage more activity by making the game more enjoyable. The Ministry of Retention (MoR) is useful for mentoring new players and typically improves retention rates, even if it's not by much. The Ministry of Legislative Affairs (MoLA) added a roleplaying aspect to the game that"
- LongShotzZ

"the eUK is currently a liquid
with some work we could become a gas"
- Jugs and orbs and darts and gourds Elmer Fudds and bouncing Buddhas Sweater stretchers, lung protectors Beach umbrellas, frost detectors Scooby Snacks and snake-eyes dice Jell-o molds and high-beam lights

"I think eUK is fine, but lacks some vital features. For example: decreasing amount of new citizens, multi accounts which ruin the game for others and stupid egotistic politician/congressmen who are too concerned about them selves and there own personal views."
- JaredBeare

"I think the eUK is ding fine but some points it gets a bit boring with people just talking to each other is not acting on anything(even our wars weren't as interesting as they should have been)"
- CheetahCurtis

"i.e. I think eUK is fine because...of the people."
- e.g. Horice

"With the return of some certain New Era members, there's been a lot of tension and name-calling from a lot of people. I don't like that and I frankly don't see what all the fuss is about."
- Jimbobfrey

"I think the eUK is doing good, there is not too much drama, but there is still enough entertainment going on"
- Dr Kawishiwi

"Bit boring, TUP is boring"
- Jamie2721

"Politically it is authoritarian and the whole country is dominated by one party. We are a quite weak nation, we need to expand our lands if we are to prosper and finally make a complete peace treaty with Ireland!"
- Dominic May

"Terrible, complete shit"
- Super Llama

"Fairly satisfied."
- Max Blue

- Bob Bloggs

"so so"
- Mr. Val

"not as good as it was in last month"
- FragUK

"I think the eUK is on a border point of shifting powers.

Government parties are starting to rise and fall ever so slowly and our military aims have finally begun coming into focus."
- Darth EVader

- Vambola Vikat

"Bit dull...needs more spice...and fun."
- WookieO

"there are a lot of nice people, parties and MU's."
- Perry Rhodan

"It's gone a little quiet however we've got stability, plenty of resource bonus, a high position in the strongest alliance in the new World and the ability to pick and choose our enemies. So it's pretty good state to be in."
- Huey George
How The UK Can Be Improved

"I believe the re-introduction of both the Ministry of Retention and the Ministry of Legislative Affairs will encourage more activity by making the game better. The Ministry of Retention (MoR) is useful for mentoring new players and typically improves retention rates, even if it's not by much. The Ministry of Legislative Affairs (MoLA) added a roleplaying aspect to the game that made eRepublik a place that was more enjoyable."
- LongShotzZ

"by making me CP"
- Jugs and orbs and darts and gourds Elmer Fudds and bouncing Buddhas Sweater stretchers, lung protectors Beach umbrellas, frost detectors Scooby Snacks and snake-eyes dice Jell-o molds and high-beam lights

"Congressmen and government need to be less concerned about them selves and there parties and be concentrating on pushing eUK forward. I think experienced eUK Citizens should offer more supplies and donations to entice young citizens to get more involved, and allow a platform so everyone can voice there view just like this survey is doing."
- JaredBeare

"Different people doing different things...

...And war, don't forget that..."
- CheetahCurtis

"Get rid of all the Politicos. Now I'm not saying that all eUK politicians are weak-kneed, political time-servers who are more concerned with their personal vendettas and private power struggles than the problems of our country. Nor do I suggest at any point that they sacrifice their credibility by denying free debate on vital matters in the mistaken impression that party unity comes before the well-being of the people they supposedly represent. Nor do I wish to imply at any stage that they are squabbling little toadies without an ounce of concern for the vital problems of eUK. Nor indeed do I intend that people should consider them as crabby, ulcerous, little self-seeking vermin with furry legs and an excessive addiction to power and certain explicit sexual practices which some people might find offensive. I'm sorry if this impression has come across.

Horice 😛"
- e.g. Horice

"MoH - I think that there should be a limit of 1,000 energy per person per day (i.e. 2*500 energy). I think that because I'm currently donating 300+ Q5 food to many NHS members and that's expensive!

MoFA/MoD - Venturing into the heart of Asgard would be cool... if we can ever get past Romania, that is 😉"
- Jimbobfrey

"More activity within the eUK could never hurt. Its always good to see new people get involved which is quite nice to see. "
- Dr Kawishiwi

"By newer players getting more involved

P.S keep the 20 GBP. Thanks though"
- Jamie2721

"As I said, more expansions overseas. More ministers for other fields of work..."
- Dominic May

"By electing me CP, or by logging out"
- Super Llama

"- More communication between the community.
- Modernised MoHA
- Prime Ministers Question Time"
- Max Blue

- Bob Bloggs (I agree, we need more exoansion)

"Conquer or Be Conquered....whatever the case, more interesting than following pointless aliances based not on ideologies....but someone being on someones friends list!!"
- Mr. Val

"wait for 5th and new CP"
- FragUK

"Well we could airstrike the whole bloody world and win the feckin game but something tells me that isn't quite what you were asking..."
- Darth EVader

- Vambola Vikat

"Needs a fun injection, possibly with an excitement pill too."
- WookieO

"Not letting traitors back in, at least not before they have changed their attitude."
- Perry Rhodan

"It still feels like it's the same couple of handful of citizens debating and deciding everything. We need to be far more inclusive to allow every UK citizens more of a chance to input into the decisions that affect all our futures. That could help with new citizen retention."
- Huey George

Finally the article is done. I apologise for it not exactly being very detailed but I am very busy. (Jk I am just lazy)

The two people to receive the 2 gold will be; LongShotzZ and e.g. Horice.

If you have any questions or feedback let me know below.

Stay Awesome,
Super Llama

PS. Thanks to whoever filled in the survey for me.