Newspaper Project: Gratis Krant - Free Newspaper [Re-post]

Day 2,897, 01:13 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Hi citizens of eNL,

In the past ElGorro has published several articles offering to help new players to start a newspaper. He fully covered the (2 gold) cost to start a newspaper and hoped that these players would start to use their newspapers to create rich and diverse media. In the past two months I've noticed a huge difference in media publications compared to the months before. This is why I've dicided to do the same thing ElGorro once did and help you to start a newspaper!

Please comment below stating you wish to start a newspaper and I will donate 2 gold to your citizen account. Let's get the media scène back to being vibrant and alive!

In my last article no one has approached me in order to start a newspaper.
If you don't have a newspaper yet feel free to comment below!

Yours Truly,


State Secretary of Defense
Congress member representing Dem NL
2nd Commander of DAF