Newspaper Project: Gratis Krant - Free Newspaper

Day 2,892, 15:17 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Hi citizens of eNL,

In the past ElGorro has published several articles offering to help new players to start a newspaper. He fully covered the (2 gold) cost to start a newspaper and hoped that these players would start to use their newspapers to create rich and diverse media. In the past two months I've noticed a huge difference in media publications compared to the months before. This is why I've dicided to do the same thing ElGorro once did and help you to start a newspaper!

Please comment below stating you wish to start a newspaper and I will donate 2 gold to your citizen account. Let's get the media scène back to being vibrant and alive!

Yours Truly,


State Secretary of Defense
Congress member representing Dem NL
2nd Commander of DAF