New People Find eRepublik Too Hard

Day 1,169, 11:55 Published in USA Poland by code0011

It has come to my attention recently, that eRepublik is too hard for new people. I found this out by testing it on a couple of friends. I sent them my referral link, and they started. One in Pakistan, one in Australia, one in the US, and one in England. I told them this: Get to lvl 10. I showed each of them individually how to do all the basic things(work, train, buy food, eat food, log out). The first thing they did after I did that was fight. Fight down to 20 wellness, buy food, fight some more. One of my test subjects got lucky, and got a full refill off going up a military rank, and then he fought some more. After the first day, none of them logged back on. Even when I sat them down at a computer, they didn't want to log back on. They said it was too hard, and asked questions like "How do you even play this game?", and, when I went on someones profile, "Can I fight him?"
Something needs to be done, because if new people can't play this game, even when there is someone who can play this game standing behind them telling them what to do, then something is wrong, and something needs to be changed.
If you have any comments on how to make the game easier for new people, leave them in the comment section below.
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