My Congressional Platform

Day 1,189, 07:35 Published in USA Poland by code0011

You should vote for me because I feel that Congress is getting too 'you were in congress before, therefore you should be in again'. I feel that it is time to get some new faces into congress, and if it turns out that I am not one of them, than so be it, just so long as some new people get into congress.

It is my second time running for congress and there will be people out there who think I am only in it to get the medal, but this is not so. I believe that applying to get into Congress is like staring down the road ahead, you can see what is possible for you to do, but you just need to take that first step, and I need your help to do that.

Since the introduction of the 'GMs can work in all of their companies' feature, prices have gone down, inflation has gone up, and there is too much being produced. There are correlations between having wars, and high food prices. When the eUSA has a fight, more people buy food, and prices go up. Higher prices mean more money,

My plan is to lower tax, and I know why it is so high, but I believe that if it is lowered, everyone will be richer, and, in the long run, I believe it will be more profitable, and will keep more new players, who see a salary of $16, and think that's pretty good, work, and find they only have $10 left, wonder why, and leave the game. Lower the tax, more new players stay, and everyone becomes richer. They will also then have enough money to afford food, and be more able to work consistently at 100 wellness.

I also believe that the DoE is not doing enough to teach the new players about fights, and how to survive. I have been there, like everyone else, and I died within the first week of my starting. Things need to change, and I want to be the one who initiates that change.

That is why you should vote for me for Congress in South Carolina,

Thank-you for reading,
