Ministry of Culture and Games- 2nd Edition

Day 963, 14:10 Published in Thailand Poland by Guayre II

Hello Thailand, let's play a little!!!

1. Wordsearch puzzle

It is easy, but later I will make it difficult..
When you find fruits, send me the wordsearch by personal message and I will send 5 THB

2. Sudoku mania

The winner will receive one weapon and three foods
When you you're done, send me the sudoku by personal message

3. As I wrote in the latest edition, I'll make a contest of avatars. If you are a Thai citizen, writes in the comments that you want to participate and all citizens will choose the best Thai avatar in the next edition of this newspaper

Participation is free only for Thais citizens, it's time to play

Soon from this ministry will make a contest of Mister and Miss Thailand (do not forget to buy a dress)

I accept donations for the awards are higher 😉
a kiss, enjoy the holidays