Let the Summer Congress begin!

Day 1,613, 11:00 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

As per usual, when congressional elections come swinging around the articles come flooding out. I can no more avoid it than anyone else; especially since I happen to be running in Nova Scotia. Given that I am going to put up an article anyway, I figure I should take the time and have a sit down chat with you all.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that all the people running for congress are going to essentially be saying the same thing, they are running to make a stronger eCanada; I know, I've said these things in past elections too. All of us are looking to do the same thing in essence. Sperry eloquently touches one this issue (among others) in a recent article of his http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/his-own-house-2009484/1/20.

So if we are all looking to do the same thing, than does it really matter who you vote for? If the politics of the game does not matter to you and you are happy with just working and fighting for eCanada, than I honestly find it hard to argue why it should matter. But there are times when even those disinterested in politics need to lend a hand.

While all the parties are working towards a better eCanada, we need to ask ourselves what a better eCanada means. For me it means a strong nation made up of active citizens, it means a congress which listens to its constituents, and a CP which consults with its people and congress on important decisions. I understand that these things are not always possible when we consider the intricacies of international relations; but if we cannot trust our government to listen to the citizens, or create a country that is best for as many eCanadians as possible, than should we create such a government?

But I digress, the point is choose the party which you think best represents your vision for eCanada. All the parties are essentially saying the same thing, but I can vouch for EPIC as it has always done its best to represent the broad citizenry of eCanada in a fair manner. So if I am going to encourage you to vote for EPIC and I this 15th, I will say vote on our track record of effective governance and fair dealings with our citizens.