Lama O Curlins Wins the Legislative Election

Day 3,780, 00:50 Published in Canada Canada by Lama O. Curlins

Just hours ago, the election officials for the legislative elections have announced the Lama O Curlins have won a seat in the Parliament representing Nova Scotia.

He represents the Canadian Imperialist Party, which won an additional several seats in the Parliament.

When asked what is his response when Austria has been subjugated by Hungary, he responded "DO you think that the Austrians would go out of the cold like that. They are hiding somewhere far away. You can here the atrocious Austrian accents in South Africa! Not only do they settle and live there, but they have set up a Whites-only rule there! They consider themselves a master race there!"

No comments have been reached when another independent journalist attempted to point out that the Afrikaners are technically of Dutch descent and there is no longer white-dominance in South African politics.

Curlins have later released a bill proposing to raise an import tax on aircraft raw material to 59% from 1% and put to vote in the Parliament.