Kordakism: The true history of eNL

Day 2,172, 15:04 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kordak

The System of Kordakism

Dear Citizens and Comrades,

In the last article of the Dutch People's Party we described the return of Kordakism. Many of our dear citizens are new in the game and don't know the System of Kordakism, so we decided to publish this fine piece of propaganda. I hope you all enjoy it 😉

The Begin

Kordakism was founded by the Hero of the Revolution Comrade Kordak on the day 1925. He decided it was time to take action in the political landscape since our country became more and more inactive. He successfully launched the campaign: "Become political active again!"

Activity of the citizens of our country is the most important thing in Kordakism. Without citizens there will be no country at all! So it is the mission of the country to do everything what the people desire and make them happy. To explain more about Kordakism I will give here a quick overview of the history. Please beware: This is the real history of the Netherlands and whatever the others say.. Well they are just wrong

Amsterdam Capital of the United Netherlands by night

The United Netherlands Party

The United Netherlands Party was founded with the goal of unification of the country. We all know that long ago there was North Netherlands (Netherlands) and South Netherlands (Belgium). North Netherlands was a Socialist Paradise where the citizens were all equals to each other. The South Netherlands were a Capitalist state where a Spanish dictator was in power. North Netherlands decided to liberate the people of South Netherlands under the name of "The United Netherlands". Everyone was happy and all French speaking people happily joined the United Netherlands Party, which was the biggest party in the country because everyone liked them! ThomasRed was the leader of this state. (red=communism see the link??)

But then Poland called up the EDEN forces and a force from different countries decided to attack the United Netherlands! 😮...

We did our best to fight and we won in the begin.. But they were too strong and the EDEN forces occupied South Netherlands. This was the moment they decided to march to the capital of Amsterdam! All citizens of the United Netherlands did their best to defend, but they came closer and closer.. Luckily Chinese voluntaries came and the EDEN forces were pushed back again. There was decided between the big countries that North and South Netherlands were to divided again and the people of South Netherlands were under occupation by EDEN forces.. After that the country was divided the North was very prosperous and a new legend was born.. Sea Monsters began to sing and their was a triple rainbow above Amsterdam: Comrade Kordak was Born! 😛

The Revolutionary Struggle

The dividing of our nation is the reason that members of the Dutch People's Party have always disliked negotiations with the Imperialists. We wanted peace in our beautiful nations and they divided and occupied our nation. Now the people in South Netherlands see the truth again, but it is too late. The Polish Imperialists added them to their empire..

Comrade Marnix Maximus (left), Comrade Kordak (middle) and Comrade Gwom (right) are launching a successful airstrike at Polish capital of Olsztyn. Because of this magnificent attack North Netherlands were finally able to free themselves!

The Dutch People's Army

Most of you may remember the UNP ARMY as a paramilitary organization of the United Netherlands Party. However the Hero of the Revolution Comrade Kordak decided that he couldn't keep his great leadership for himself. He needed to lead other citizens as well and train them as high disciplined force to defend against any unexpected attack of the Polish Imperialists! So it was decided to turn the UNP ARMY into the Dutch People's Army.

Comrade Kordak training members of the Dutch People's Army to literally jump over the Polish border to liberate South Netherlands (Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia) regions of the United Netherlands. A plan the Imperialists will never expect nor understand

The Future

The future is bright for our nation! We have a powerful army and every day more and more refugees from occupied parts of the United Netherlands come to join the battle and live in freedo.. ehm I mean equality of North Netherlands. The United Netherlands Party decided to follow the ideology of Kordakism and named themselves to the Dutch People's Party. A party in a new era with goals for the future!

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The Hero of the Revolution Comrade Kordak

PS: This is the only true history!!! (yes it is just a joke 😉