JdlF, my team

Day 2,205, 04:21 Published in Belgium Belgium by JdlF

Hello everyone,

So here is the team I would appoint if I get elected.

As vCP (vice country president [prime minister]), Lorcema. I already contacted him last month if I was going to run (instead of Olv007). He has been in eBelgium for only few months, coming from eArgentina. He has great ideas and he is very active.

As MoNS (minister of national security), Tensa Zangetsu san who is a former MoNS and a friend.

As MoD (minister of defence), Cika Nikola96. He is most known for having lured believed PTOers and his MoD position in my government could be extended.

As MoFA (minister of foreign affairs), Mr. Wonka. He's a young ultra pro active citizen. I beleive he should make good things about international affairs. And he won't hesitate to wake me up with some worries or ideas, of that i'm sure 😉.

As MoHA (minisfer of home affairs), Pavlosk96. His duty will mainly be making and animate a mass-mp between all top 5 parties PP (and me). Allowing everyone to express its sentiment and how eBelgium should run.

As MoF (minister of finances), Olv007. He is used to governments and as Bank Manager it will be easier for him to handle state funds. Note that I told him MoF is not Bank Manager and that I want him to have both personalities on that mater. Meaning that if I ask to the MoF a budget, it's in order. But if I ask Bank Managers a budget, it's up to them to debate.

MoFU (minister of fun), let me introduce you the hidden great master who found himself candidate as country president, the one and only Icurlybear! His job will be to bring some fun out there with few articles 🙂.

As Minister of History, because an eBelgian government is never complete without him. Our master of all: Jofroi. And like The Valeyard I gave him a random title for him being able to turn around the government and advice it when needed. Ho yeah, his title will be: Minister of History. It means he'll update eBelgium wiki ... Once or twice. The lazy one.

How would it work?

So what about this government? As you can see it's a bunch of ministers without vice ministers. Some are experienced some are not. But how will it work?

Firstly all ministers will be gathered in a mass-pm. We will work through this mass-pm collectively. Meaning that even a minister of "anything" would be able to give ideas and stuffs to another minister. Ministers won't work alone! We will share ideas as a permanant brain storming.

Then we will gather as much as possible on the government channel on mirc. It will allow us to be quicker.

Eventually if a citizen shows great interests on helping the government, he can at any time ask a minsiter to be his vice minister. Meaning that ministers can recruit/select their own team if need be. But also that government can expand its size in case of emergency (for example during my first term we included some suppliers for the tournament).

To sum up, instead of having separate ministers each are able to work with each others and form a coherrent unit. Of course some tasks are given to each ministers like the making of specific articles or recording data for finance.

As you might notice I didn't put anyone as MoE yet. I am still asking one citizen for that post. 🙂 Nevertheless education is my priority so I feel I can take over it as a permanant role if needed.

Vote for my team, vote for me!

Best regards,

ps: Icurlybear