JdlF, few points more deeply.

Day 2,204, 09:33 Published in Belgium Belgium by JdlF

Hello everyone,

As you may know I am running for CP position with The Valeyard and The Valeyard only as ChristijanXD accepted to step down for me.

Therefore there are no threat during those elections as ChristijanXD was pointed as an undemocratic threat for those ones.

I don't believe ChristijanXD is not a potential PTOer, I don't believe we are not under a PTO threat but I believe that we can at least talk with each others and try to understand needs and demands from every sides. Meaning that I am open to more discussions with people from P.A.N.D.A. and the Liberation Front.

Some may think this is a weakness to speak with everyone; I do believe it is a strength to be able to put aside personal feelings and see the reasons behind behaviours.

Now on my program. I'd like to recap few points I explained during my first article as some topics were not understood perfectly:

1. The wipe:

Firstly some articles suming up the situation would be published (based on NLSP's work mostly). Then impact of getting wiped or unwiped according to economy and the fact long time wiped countries are now easier to liberate.
And eventually a referendum would be held in game.

So that's not about unwipe things but more about inform, teach and then listen to what you guys want. As for myself I believe the wipe was not necessary but still we could stay wiped for 2/3 months just to ... not waste what has been done by MariamQ.

2. The treasury:

As I've said in my last article the treasury is quite low. Sadly with such a treasury some programs would have to end. eBelgium has relied only on instant/random incomes through the last years (gold from some citizens or international tournament). We were able to maintain tons of programs because we had really big reserves. But this time seems to be over and sadly as economic measure I would tend to lower VAT (that would need to be unwiped).

Indeed with such low treasury and the fact we don't know if and when we'll get new funds, I believe it's better now for citizens to become more independant toward the state. Meaning that they could buy or sell more easily but also earn more with higer wages (according to demand and supply rules).

Of course programs would remain as long as the state can afford. I would be elected, citizen pack would be a priority with education budget. BYS would be stopped and instead loan facilities would be openned for training contracts. I would also allow more easily loans to training centers as citizens get money from them on the long run.

So basically, keeping citizen packs; favoring loans (as it costs nothing at the end of the day), education budget to help citizens making their first training centers.

3. PTO threat:

About this important point, I guess I was misunderstoo😛 I don't want to stop fighting PTOers or waste everyone efforts. PTOers will still be checked and followed and recorded. Multies will still be tracked. But government priority will be ensuring a future to eBelgium. A future where everyone can have fun. Where everyone can get help from the government.

There is a PTO threat. But I would not make the country suffer just for a threat. Of course if threat become higher measures would be taken (like a wipe [if we are unwipe]). Pression would be make.

But it is not because we are under PTO threat that everything has to stop, that money should be thrown out the window, that democracy should be trampled! We are under a PTO threat. We have to live with it! We can't hide ourselves years and years. Doing nothing but trying to get rid of PTOers. We have to try to get rid of them of course. But we cannot dedicate all our time on that, because if we do, then nothing would remain and we would have lost more.

To sum up:

As you can see I won't give up on PTOers, just that I won't let it rule me and eBelgium. Of course it's important but first I strongly believe we should strenghten our community bonds and save some of our community programs.

Eventually I got ChristijanXD stepping down for me. I thank him a lot for this move! I promised nothing to him. He did it because he wants some changes. Either you believe I am able to speak with them and to get things from them. Meaning that I can look over them, understand them and maybe finally find a common solution; either you believe I am with them (and I would have stolen all the treasury long ago).

The ball is up to you eBelgians. Vote well.

Best regards,


Next articles:
-My team.
-Questions and answers.