JdlF as CP candidate.

Day 2,200, 16:02 Published in Belgium Belgium by JdlF

Hello everyone,
As you may know I’m running for CP position \o/.

First of all I would like to express some of my opinions about the current situation. And few things I want to make during my maybe upcoming term:

1. The wipe:
As I’ve stated before I don’t really like the way it was done. I believe the threat was not already that high and that citizens should have been able to express their opinion. Nevertheless wipe has been done and proved to be … not that effective as for now. Still my opinion is: we can stay wiped for few times. Just to not waste … All we already wasted.
BUT, this is my opinion and as you can see it’s not really a one-sided opinion. Therefore, if elected I would organize a referendum to know what is eBE opinion about that: remaining wiped or not. Of course I will, unlike [😁], post data about the current situation and how it could evolve, wiped or not.
So: a referendum with some data beforehand so that everyone is aware of what we risk being wiped or not.

2. The treasury:
As you have seen in my last article eBE paid nearly 1,400,000 cc equivalent during the last two terms: no training wars, just give aways and others. We were at 2,330,621 cc equivalent at the end of my term, 2,343,712 cc and … 944,575 cc equivalent right after the last two terms. Note that I am not against spending the money. What I am against are give aways favoring already wealthy player. Sadly it means that huge budgets won’t be allowed. We will run on our treasury of course as no income are coming but budget will be focused on maintaining some programs like citizen packs and BNA budget (which will be recalculated [note that The Valeyard makes a good job maintaining the budget quite low]). Rest will focus on developing youngsters and facilities. No give aways sadly (still the minister of Fun will get a budget of course but no more than 200 golds – at the very maximum).

3. Bank managers:
When I created Bank Managers I was advice by MaryamQ mostly to put some citizens as Bank Managers. The idea behind Bank Managers was great: allowing budgets to the CP so that he has to justify large expenses. Sadly, lately Bank Managers has been used more as wallets than anything else, denaturing the basics of the function. So, if elected one thing I’d make is working on laws for Bank Managers so that they have rules to follow. But mostly to protect them.
4. Focus on young citizens:
As I’ve already tried in the past (but sadly delayed), I will come back with laws for giving more budget to education. What does that mean? It means that young members will get more opportunities to get golds thanks to a mission system. One example: gold bonus for upgrading your training centers when you take a battle heroe medal.

5. Forum, constitution and laws:
A revamp has been started by NLSP and I will follow on this track. My main aim is to create a flawless constitution with high security. High security leans that to change it you need to retire. About laws I will work to let them give more powers to individuals such as commanders, ministers and so on. I have the true believing that laws on forum must not override too much on game mechanics.

6. PTO threat:
I’ve already spoken about the wipe and the referendum. Nevertheless it is not that I don’t care about PTOers but my believing is that we care too much about them. Therefore I… Won’t act pro-actively. Of course things which have been already done won’t change and the Minister of National Security will still report multies and track things. But government won’t make it a top priority. Priority will be fun and calm things. And economy.

Therefore to sum up:
-Priority on developing young citizens (more budgets and creation of missions).
-Maintaining a good economy as far as it can be.
-Revamp laws and so on, favoring in-game responsibilities.

Thank you for reading.

Team and others will follow.

Best regards,