Independence war of Finland

Day 331, 20:47 Published in Norway Finland by Aquatica

As you all know - atleast hopefully - we have a war here, fighting for our independence.
The start of this independence war was funded by Forconin, who (for those that do not know him) is the ex-President of eNorway. Now, the fighting is in the area of Eastern Finland and we have so far managed to push down the wall to some 73000 hitpoints - that means, that in the first 35'ish hours we've managed to damage it for only 27000 hitpoints, which is nice considering the average damage seems to be closer to 10 than 20.
Now, the problem here is this:
People go and defend. Some have thought, that they should do that to fight for eFinland's independence, some think this is unwanted and not necessary war - however, we have no other choise if we are to get our independence.
So I plea to all of you, eNorwegians, eRussians and ofcourse eFinnish - GO AND PUSH THE *RED* BUTTON! IT MEANS YOU *HELP* US GET OUR INDEPENDENCE!
Shortly in Finnish -- Lyhyesti suomeksi
Alkaa korjatko sita muuria - alkaa siis menko ja painako "join the defenders"-namiskaa, mika on vihrea. Jos haluatte itsenaisen suomen, painakaa sita pienta kaunista punaista nappia missa lukee "Fight for the Resistance".
Signed, Congressman Aquatica,Sovereign Finland