In Times of Oppression

Day 1,916, 03:33 Published in Australia Argentina by BOUD1CCA
A Prayer in Times of Oppression
To every one of my oppressors
I am contemptible,
loathsome to my neighbours,
to my friends a thing of fear

Those who see me in the street
hurry past me;
I am forgotten, as good as dead in their hearts,
something discarded

I hear their endless slanders,
threats from every quarter,
as they combine against me,
plotting to take my life.

I invoke you Yahweh; do not let me be disgraced,
let the disgrace fall on the wicked!
May they go speechless in Sheol,
their lying lips struck dumb
for those insolent slurs on the virtuous,
for that arrogance and contempt.

So here Australia stands, oppressed by three countries, all of them members of CoT. And their justification - forget any slanders, they are doing it just because they can. This was discussed by Chile weeks ago, how they intended to divide Australia up.
This plan in the same paper where they moaned on about the evil of aggressive Argentina.

Of course we let all our MDPs lapse (except for South Africa), the intention to replace them with a pro CoT stack so as not to offend/worry CoT countries. Obviously we were set up.

So what should Australia do - well what we are doing, we FIGHT, we don't stop fighting EVER! Make our oppressors pay to occupy us. If we do join an alliance, what sort of a member would they want? Not one that wimps & accommodates, one that FIGHTS.

Understand this thuggish chest thumping Indonesia (the we not afraid {to attack countries smaller than ourselves} We are Indonesians).
And hypocritical Chile (Oh we do so hate oppressors like evil Argentina, but we are not "oppressing" you Australia, we are "punishing" you because you resisted our peaceful invasion).
And New Zealand - what can I say, you finally feel safe enough to come out & attack us now? You must consider we are really destroyed to make such a bold move.

Well do your worst, we are not giving up.

And CoT members what are you? Smaller countries who banded together to resist the depredations of bullies, sticking up for each other - like the Swiss Confederation of old, brave & honourable.
Or a bunch of cowardly losers who cluster behind the big thug members, they will "protect" you and in return you give them justification & excuse.

Well you lot can make your own mind up which hat to wear, when you join attacking us consider why you are doing it - you will be judged by your actions.

The CoT Court in Session
(My personal opinion - others in eAustralia think differently)
We may not have MDPs (other than South Africa ) but we do have friends. To all Australians who are overseas, to all players of eRep who have good feelings for Australia - please return & help out as individuals.
We will apprciate it greatly.

Everlasting hopeless war is not our intention - but we have a long way to go before our situation becomes hopeless.