Important Work Tax Update!

Day 3,694, 11:54 Published in USA USA by Texas_ironman93

If you haven't checked the Congressional voting section, you might not have noticed that there is a vote on to lower the work tax from 3% to 2%, at the writing of this article there are 26 yes votes.

I'd like to thank the current yes voters and suggest that anyone on the fence and who hasn't voted, come on over!

If you are not in Congress but are hurting from the work tax increase, reach out to the Congress members from your party and urge them to vote yes!

If you're in The Black Sheep Party, or SFP, you really don't have to worry though, as both have stepped up to spearhead this effort in front, and behind the scenes.

Yes, we want 1%, that is the end goal, but don't let the great be the enemy of the good, let's unite together to start moving the needle, and let our momentum take us all the way!

Right now the vote is 29-15, which is going to pass, but it is important that you do reach out to members of congress to find out how they voted.

Public pressure can drive policy, and it is important that those who would like to keep more of what they earn keep that pressure up to not only lower taxes but keep them low!

And now, because it is Sunday, a little religious music!

We Miss You Big Guy!