I Was Number 2! (or Adieu!)

Day 2,186, 02:18 Published in Albania Albania by Al Punk
[Albanian version -> ne fund te shkrimit]

Hey guys,
I have decided this is it for me on this crap of a game! I refuse to be part of a system which has no respect for us and makes its profit out of our stupidity! From December 3rd, I am going eDead (going 2 click till end of this gov-term)! A brief message of ColinLantrip on FB convinced me that the sooner the better!

On the other side I have met great guys in this game and I have learned that those hidden behind the "good"-guy shade are most of the time the lowest in ethics and first to sell their integrity cheap!

So this is my last article.
We all want to win and in this game we win as a unity and as individuals! We win in a unity in an alliance or as a country! EDEN has Won by being the best alliance ever! eAlbania has won as well by being the country everyone respects! (I am sorry for the eIndia incident, but that is more complicated than appearance).

Individually we win by the good friends we make and by the image we leave behind! Since few people know us here, we could have been assholes or the real guys we are. Some are publicly known scammers or racists, but most people here are great guys & girls!
Behind the Nationality Hate that Pluto wants to sell us, good people are good and bad people are bad! We just chose different camps, but we should respect the good and hate the bad the same.

Some more on vanity now!
We are defined by who we are and what we do in this game! I never wanted to do politics so I decided to be a Tanker. I am leaving the game knowing I was good at at it and "I was Number 2!" (Never cared about being the best, but I got close and have respect for maxxxy Albanian nr.1 whom I told I will be a same level tanker someday).

So this is me:

And although this does not make me any better than many other guys fighting for the eCountry they pick, it is my last vanity pride:

I was the first Titan in eAlbania and I have fulfilled all my goals in the game!

Instead of buying my next stack of Gold, I decided to buy this plant

So Pluto you know what... ! I chose life!

Post Adieu
I wish more people abandon this game and leave Pluto to the misery he deserves! The game was fun once, probably Pluto loved it by then... Not it sucks and we only played it in stupidity! I wish we leave this game in group and make a big party before we go, maybe a AirStrike for a farewell party and some final fun... But the game is made of pussies who think they are winning by selling their character for a group of pixels.

SHQIP E BUKUR (Albanian Version here)
Burra kjo loje ta shpif. Tregohuni te zgjuar dhe shpenzojeni kohen duke mesuar dicka ne shkolle apo duke punuar me shume ne jete! Une perfundimisht e le lojen me dt 3 Dhjetor! Askush nuk me njeh por shumekend ketu e respektoj per ate cfare jane dhe shpresoj te kem fituar pak respekt virtual.
Do kisha dashur te benim nje AS te fundit ne kryeqendren e armikut tone e pastaj ta linim lojen te gjithe ne grup, por e di qe eshte e pamundur dhe ka shume qe genjehen akoma se kjo loje eshte e drejte dhe eShqiperia duhet te jete ne harte. E verteta eshte qe kjo loje nuk eshte e drejte dhe adminet jane filoserbe e gjithmone te padrejte ndaj nesh.
Nuk mund te luftohet me ta. Mundet vetem t'i injorojme.

I Was Number 2! (or Adieu!)

P.S Need ~200 subs to get my before last medal, the MM. Maybe can make it before 3rd of December

People who have expressed they desire to leave the game today as well:

The Punisher