I'm wounded, I can't fight more today unless someone heal me.

Day 3,710, 06:25 Published in Sweden Sweden by Misho

Remember when you actually fought against an enemy on the battle field and not just an image, a shadow?

The enemy hit back and you got wounded. And no it didn't take ages like in the guerilla module but quick. Actually much faster than todays repeated pushing the fight-button.

And no you didn't kill 75 enemies where 68 of them are the same shadow showing up again and again and again and again and again even when the player controling it are sleaping or haven't logged in. No I mean a real player who has entered the same battlefield as you but on the other side. Someone who actually risk something and knows about it.

And then when you had fought you needed that Q4 Hospital and a friend who could heal you once with a health pack. Without a community, no hospitals, without a friend no health pack.

What are the fights today compared to those ones? And no body got medals either since players where soldiers, not hunters.

Perkasa (100 wellness) attacks Misho (55 wellness) and causes 14 damage leaving Misho with 41 wellness.
Misho (41 wellness) attacks Perkasa (100 wellness) and causes 85 damage leaving Perkasa with 15 wellness.
Perkasa (15 wellness) attacks Misho (41 wellness) and causes 5 damage leaving Misho with 36 wellness.
Misho (36 wellness) attacks Perkasa (15 wellness) and causes 106 damage leaving him very wounded.

Misho wins. Perkasa is defeated.

Yours in war,