I'm running for Party President!

Day 3,394, 13:11 Published in USA USA by Wasp15

Dateline: March 6th, 2017 (3394)
Location: Office of Federalist Party Chief of Staff.

Well, it's been an adventure so far. And I'm finally ready for the next step. Yes, that's right, I'm running for Party President.
There are several obstacles that I will have to overcome if I hope to be successful this term.
The most obvious one will be getting support. I've already started working on this, and I have a good team put together. But, I could still use a few more people. So, if you're interested in working in Fed Leadership, just shoot me a message.
The second obstacle is the inactivity. And, I already have a plan for this too. My cabinet and I will strive to put out daily articles so that there's always something new to read. Plus, I am getting together a team to run a weekly werewolves game on our Discord Channel.
The third obstacle will be my personal life. And, unfortunately, I cannot really overcome this one. All I can do is promise to be active daily IF possible.

Once the nominations conclude, I will be announcing my cabinet. So keep an eye out for that.

If you have any questions, just shoot me a PM, I'm always happy to talk and answer questions.

Thanks for your time and support.