How to keep a cat and a dog together

Day 3,827, 01:13 Published in India Armenia by Bombay bomb

Recently I found out that my friend who specializes in publishing daily articles about animals especially cats would be away for sometime due to work. I am trying to publish daily articles but I may not be able to. Anyway, this article is in gratitude to all those non stop daily articles which made us smile and laugh everyday!

The cat and dog rivalry started ages ago. While there might be several theories to explain their enmity, the most logical explanation is that dogs chase cats because of their instinct and their drive to hunt a prey.

You can be a dog person or a cat person but there is no reason why you can’t keep both together.

In spite of their differences, dogs and cats co-exist with each other in a lot of households. As fascinating as it may sound it is possible to domesticate both canines and felines together.

So if you want to be both a cat as well as a dog parent these are the things to keep in mind.


Cats and dogs tend to stay harmoniously together if they are introduced to each other young, kept in the same house and raised together. As kittens and pups they don’t fight each other and tend to form a strong bond.


Not that big dog breeds do not live with a cat but if you are wary, choose a small dog breed to be with a cat. In case of a brawl, the danger of the cat getting hurt is lower.


Make sure to feed them separately as pets can get very possessive about their food and food bowls. Also keep their toys and beddings separate.


It is important to train your pets as it helps them co-exist with you. In the case of a dog and cat sharing space, discipline is of utmost importance as it teaches them self control.


A cat which lives with a dog might approach other dogs. Avoid taking your cat out to play with other dogs as it might affect her relationship with your dog. It might also be dangerous for the cat as other dogs might not be cordial with her and try and attack her.


Giving both your cat and dog enough exercise will keep them calm and they will not indulge in destructive behaviour. Exercise drains them out physically and keeps them relaxed.

If cats and dogs are brought up together in a positive, loving, encouraging environment, they are going to be friends. We just have to be observant, vigilant and remain watchful pet parents.

Source - Swati Tandon, Pet Expert