Hello America: A New Type of Company

Day 899, 20:20 Published in USA Canada by Lord Penguin

Hello I am World Trader Inc. CEO James McNamara

My Organization has had its ups and downs, but now it seems that I have struck a balance, I am currently the proud owner of WTI Diamonds, a Q3 Diamond company, with 2 Licenses (Canada and Spain) in Canada and I am making this article to show some of the inner workings of my Org.

I offer my employees 3 programs that they can choose to participate in; and I am currently looking for some workers, (PM me) I am going to make them public, so here is goes.

I would like some imput 🙂

CPP: Canadian Pension Plan;
workers can opt to take a ‘cut’ in their salary, that ‘cut’ will be put into my vault; i.e. if your wage was $20 you could opt to work for $16 and have $4 put into the vault, at the end of the month, I will add a bonus for the amount of time worked. So longer you work the bigger your bonus!

The Pension can be cashed once every 30 days, or if you quit your job (Note: if you quit without prior notification you will be charged a %5 fee on your Pension, this means at least 24 hours before), your pension will be cashed and given to you, if you die, it will be froze and help for 4 months until the assets are re invested in my company. If you get banned, you can list a beneficiary this means they will get your pension if you get banned, if you don’t or they are banned, then the money will be reinvested in my company.

HCP: Health Care Plan;
Once again involves working at a lower wage; in this case the money is set aside and in case something happens and you can’t get to a computer, I monitor your health, and if it drops below a pre determined level then your plan kicks in and I give you Q1 food until you come back or your reserve runs out.

If you get banned, the money will be re invested in my company

TA😨 Tanking Assistance Deduction;
like the other plans, it also involves you working at a lower rate; this money is set aside for tanking, and I’ll add to it over time. When the amount reaches a pre determined level, I will notify the holder, and he’ll determine the time of withdraw. This will help people who can’t save, keep a fund open with no chance to burn a hold in your pocket.

If you die you account is frozen, and it will be held for 4 months until the money is reinvested; if you are banned the money will be reinvested.

You can participate in none or all of the plans, they are completely optional, but are designed to help you, and your money is 100% safe.

Now why should you trust me? Simple I am a congressman, I have a public reputation to uphold, and certainly could NOT afford a scandal!

Thank you for your time, and have a nice day!

James McNamara a.k.a The Penguin
Congressman of Saskatchewan April ‘10