Headless Horror - We Will Survive!!

Day 2,899, 06:04 Published in India India by LordRajIndia

If that sounds like you, then you may appear to have fallen victim to the Headless Horror challenge! Yes that's right it has bitten me too as I logged in this morning to see more notifications in the space of 10 minutes than I have had in the 4-5 months since I returned to erep! At first I was afraid, I was petrified...

I thought, have I suddenly become the Conqueror and Emperor of the whole erepublik to have so many notifications or worse, have I been elected as the new Plato? Now that's a nightmare in itself! What must they be? My intrigue led me to click to see friend requests, and then a few minutes later I realised it was for the Headless Horror missions!!!

Unfortunately here on erepublik, I am not aware we can turn off notifications...

So as I write, for another 139 hours 2 minutes and 16 seconds, you are most welcome to vote,comment, subscribe, endorse and claim all the rewards you need to 🙂 I don't mind, because I know, I will survive!!