Greetings from the Philippines

Day 641, 20:36 Published in Malaysia USA by Hekter

Good day to you all, people of the Federal Republic of South East Asia!

It has come to my attention that some of our citizens have had a sarcastic discussion involving an invasion of FRSEA, and it has been the cause for some concern. Let me say this as clearly as I can: No-one who has actual influence in these decisions believes that the idea of invading and controlling the very sacred and sovereign soil of The Union, against the collective will of the FRSEA people, is even close to a permissible idea, much less a performable one. To quote our President, Ariel David Buena, "It's not gonna happen on my watch.".

As always, I have looked forward to working with FRSEA in the future and right now within the developments of Sol and the ongoing war games. I am very glad and proud that our nations are close enough to help each other out so directly as to do battle for the benefit of ourselves and our neighbors (that is, when we can stay awake), and are united in the">support of South Africa against their current PTO threats.

Last of all, I thank your administration for being up-front with our office as to your concerns regarding this issue. I am very happy to see that I was contacted, and was readily able to dismiss the allegations swiftly, so that we can easily put this odd issue behind us and move onwards to progress in the eWorld. Good luck with the baby boom, too! May we all have many prosperous months.

Director of Foreign Affairs, Philippines