General Cartman Lee - REAL Change for America!

Day 1,653, 22:43 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

Since apparently I am not allowed to post my video platform, I am going to do it the old fashioned way and write an article about why you should VOTE for General Cartman Lee on Tuesday, June 5th, if you want REAL change for America!

Firstly, I would like to announce that I have chosen Dan Wang as my running mate. Dan Wang is a former UIP Party President and former American Congressman who has a track record of strong leadership and being a unifying figure, and as you know, this is the theme that I am running on. My cabinet will also be filled with the very best people who stand for this as well.

Economic Growth - I will promise a 14% increase to our GDP over my term. This will be based off of several factors. Firstly, population increase, which I will discuss in a moment. Secondly, I will push for a reform in our tax system. I will force a referendum upon militias receiving government funds. These militias must either become part of the US Military, or give up taxpayer funding. This will eliminate a substantial portion of the budget and it will stop showing favoritism to a select few.

I will then work to bring the income tax rate down from 15% to perhaps 10%. We need to encourage more businesses to open and expand in the country, as well as keep salaries high and market prices low. By eliminating this socialist program which is based on nothing but elitism, and not game mechanics, we will be able to better compete with the more advanced economies of some of our adversaries.

Population Growth - I will increase the population by at least 12%, both by launching major initiatives to bring in more real life American players, as well as instituting my Congressional honor system. Any Congressman who approves a citizen that consistently fights against the United States will be given a warning. A second enemy citizen being approved will result in a censure. This gives all potential immigrants a chance to prove they want to help our country, and punishes those who wish to hurt it. It is tough, and fair, and it eliminates the ethnic prejudice which currently exists under the stringent IES protocols.

Foreign Policy - We are in need of some serious restructuring. I think it is time to shake things up. I would invite many of our TERRA and EDEN allies, as well as some from other alliances who would be good to have on our side to form the Alliance of Sovereign States. The old EDEN/TERRA vs. ONE dynamic has really grown stale and we need a change. Further, I will look for ways to expand America's territory to create a permanent buffer zone as a way to help prevent a further mass invasion and wiping of our country. This has happened numerous times before, and it is embarrassing when the United States of America is obliterated off the face of the eWorld. Under my leadership, this will not happen.

Why vote for me? - Some of you who have read this have voted for me before, others have not, but I hope you will all cast your ballot for my candidacy on Tuesday, June 5th. It is time that Americans unite and put aside the hatred of the past. GloveIsLove is a nice enough guy and Cromstar is not a serious candidate and runs the laziest campaigns I have ever seen. We need one opposition candidate to rally around to save our country. I believe I am a strongest candidate to stop Israel Stevens from being another puppet for Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel in the White House.

This country needs a new kind of leader, one who believes in unification and a better, stronger America for ALL its people. We don't need another elitist who will belittle and ignore the vast majority of the American people in service of their own agenda and the USWP Politburo. It's time for REAL change.

It's time for President Lee.
United We Stand