Free Food For Everyone - No Subs Required

Day 1,235, 07:25 Published in USA Poland by code0011

It seems to be the general theme of this month to give away free food, so here I go.

R&Rs (not rest & recouperation, rules and regulations)
1) You must play eRepublik
2) You must post a joke or 1-liner in English or you won't get free stuff
3) You must have less than 25 companies
4) You must vote this article and write your sub number above or below your joke
5) You should laugh at the jokes (not the first few people, they won't have any jokes to laugh at) or you are a grumpy old person.

Everyone will get 20 free wellness, in a variety of different food combinations.
If you sub the paper, you will get a free Q1 weapon. Post your sub number next to you vote number to be eligable.