Farewell America

Day 1,498, 19:01 Published in USA USA by DrummerMike
My fellow americans, its with great remorse that i must inform you that i will be moving.

The time has come, America has given me all that it can, and i greatly appreciate it, it has been my birth country and has grown me since i was born 5 months ago. But i feel as if i remain in america, then the elite will remain the elite, while us non elite will remain un heard of. I feel as if i move to a new, less developed, smaller country i can prosper and grow my political structure.

The sun is setting on my life in America. I appreciate you all.

Yet the sun is rising in the east. My new country will be the Phillipines where i will grow along side the still developing and future powerhouse.

I will remain as PXO of 2-2 in USAF , until i reach the point as to where my status as a future cabinet/congressmen/ President in Phillipines requires me to join a Filipino Military Power.

God Bless the United States

Hail America.
Hail the Philippines

Filipino Citizen

(Sub to stay informed, vote so more people know why i am not present)