eRepublik Begins; How I got into this game.

Day 3,252, 04:41 Published in Spain Sweden by Gentle Predator
This is an article for Loollie Drea's generous contest.
It is about how I've discovered this game and a bit about how I've played it.

Details about free successful RW info at the bottom! 🙂
Players, if you will, please shout this article.
What is eRepublik?
I started playing when Slovenian players organised a baby boom. I think I hit a referral link from spam in Travian or Tribal Wars.
I cannot find the player whose referral I got. I found one possible player once, but he died (IRL), so I am without an efather..

The best part of the game was in first two months of playing when game was still very playable, compared to present state of it, but many players were already complaining about some older version of game which ought to be much much better.. I didn't understand that, but I got curious and wanted to get to know this eRepublik better.
The game was fun enough for me. I was leveling up, getting to know the community and figuring out the mechanics of the game; the battle and economic module since I was never interested in politics beyond acquiring a medal..
I've joined a MU (Slovenian Division under Colonel Bruce) and together with eSlovenian minitry for education, they have helped me with food and tanks.
But I did not enjoy most of happening in our country, since most of players were 30 years older than me (I'm about 20) and had a grudge against others due to some political issues from the past..
So.. Battling and economy it is.

Fighting is Fun! (Was fun..)
Remember that battle module in year 2012 was fairly functioning! 😃 Once you got some power, you could win a BH in D1 with small damage. Bombs were built and profitable. You could win a BH with a single small, 50k dmg bomb! On both sides! 😃 It happened to me a couple of times that I won a BH by accident, just for completing the DO. And remember, that back then, there were many more active players! 🙂 On some occasion, I've managed to get a BH in two battles at the same time, battling on all four sides. I got three and only one was stolen.
There was also an unwritten rule: We announced BHs on shout feed, so they wouldn't get stolen. And it was respected. Sometimes people messaged me (or I messaged them) if I am going for a BH or just hitting some random dmg, so none of us would waste damage. There were stealers, of course, but many less than today; I feel like every BH try nowadays will be attacked. But back then it was not rare, but it was not entirely common too.

And the Bad?
I cannot speak about bad moments, since I do not remember any. But the problem was boredom and it still is every now and then.
If you found this article ineresting and would like a sequel, make sure to comment. 😉
And if you'd like to help me in this competition, please endorse my article.
(If you can't afford that, endorse and PM me to get money back and I might ad a tank or two as well. 😉 )

I'm also regularly publishing info about forthcoming successful Resistance Wars. It is a great way to earn some free gold. I suggest you to subscribe, because I'm changing in which countries my articles are posted. If you need any help with RW hunting, just PM me or leave a comment. 😉

Players, if you will, please shout this article. 🙂