Election day - Finland bashed everyone, but where is the Russians?!

Day 286, 21:10 Published in Norway Finland by Aquatica

Ok, Elections day is coming to an end in few hours. Therefore I have to ask a question from everyone: Where is RRF? People, VOTE for the resistance front. It wont hurt us, at all. I mean, SF has won the congress for a fact. Same goes for presidency as inunova has won it (ok, miracles have been seen but you have to admit it's pretty clear by now), now we need to get RRF on the go also, hopefully we'll manage.

So, I urge everyone that has not voted as of yet, to vote for RRF to get them be second, after SF, to beat TGP and UeN (United eNorway) and have good representation for their people. After all, Russians have been driving our very cause for both of us - for independent eFinland and eRussia alike, it's now our turn to return the favor!
