DrummerMike for KMP January

Day 1,513, 00:38 Published in Philippines USA by DrummerMike

My fellow Filipino's, I, a member of the great party of KMP, hereby announce my entry for the candidacy of party president. I am the best candidate for this position, and (for now) I will not give reasons of why NOT to vote for the other candidates, (if you want to know why not to vote for the others PM me), but let me ensure you I will be the most fair and just party president.


Media Reconnaissance Agent of ePh

Congressman x1
USA State Intern x1
NCP (USA) Party Ambassador x1
USA Ambassador to Germany x1
PXO of USAF 2-2 x1


We currently have about 36 KMP members, that means my goal is to ensure that we get at MINIMUM 12 congressmen into congress. Think this cant be done? Well if i have support of entire party. On the 24th I will give spots to those deserving and the entire party will vote for whomever needs help... WE WILL BE COORDINATED NOT JUST RANDOM.

I seek to organize a KMP Party Fund. Where as individuals can donate any amount of currency (even 1 PHP or .01 gold) and then in the future this shall build up. This will allow for us one day when needed to buy congress votes and help the new members of our party.

My third goal is already in affect (effect?). That was to start a party militia. I was the primary benefactor to this ... donating 17 gold. Then Wally Wilson and Jelly donated the remainder 23 gold.

I believe the PP should be the MU Commander.. if this is the case then I want to start a commune system, which will be optional, but you work if you want

I also hope to have an actual Party Primary for Presidential Elections instead of just allowing someone to run. If voted the primary will be a nomination process.
You nominate someone(could be yourself), someone seconds(different person), you accept, then you're a candidate in the primary. Then they're WILL be an interview for the party to see, then the vote will begin.

This seems like a fair and equal process instead of certain people always being able to run.

So on the 15th remember to vote DrummerMike as Party President of KMP, for I am the only real choice (again PM for reasons)

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On the 15th vote DrummerMike for KMP Party President.