Division Battles

Day 1,673, 10:49 Published in Greece Romania by BARBA AZUL

Starting Day 1,665 every citizen belongs to a Division due to updates in the Military Module.
DivisionType Experience Level Required Experience Points
I National Guard 1 - 24 0
II Soldiers 25 - 29 5,000
III Special Forces 30 - 36 25,000
IV Tanks 37+ 60,000

A battle is now divided into the four (4) division battles with each having its own battle. For example if a citizen of experience level 26 enters a campaign to fight, he will only fight in the Division II battles.
Winning a battle
Message displayed after a division has won a mini-battle

A division battle is won by the first country to reach 1800 domination points in 90 minutes. Each division has to do this for a round to end. In addition, winning a division battle adds points towards winning the campaign:
Division Campaign Points
I - National Guard 1
II - Soldier 2
III - Special Forces 3
IV - Tanks 5

A round ends when all four division battles end. If a division battle reaches 1,800 domination points before 90 minutes and other battles are still running, it waits for the next round to start. Hence all four division battles always start at the same time.
Winning a campaign
New look of the campaign details tab

Every division battle won adds points to the total points for the campaign.

Example: After the 1st battle round, Country A wins divisions I (1pt) and III (3pts), Country B wins divisions II (2pts) and IV (5pts). The Campaign total score is thus: Country A = 4 total points and Country B = 7 total points.

After the 2nd battle round, Country A wins divisions III (3pts) and IV (5pts), Country B wins division I (1pt) and II (2pts). The Campaign total score is thus: Country A = 4 + 8 = 12 total points and Country B = 7 + 3 = 10 total points.

Winning a campaign requires at least 83 total points. A campaign can last up to 15 battles. 83 points is the most points that can be won in 15 battles, in all four divisions.

The campaign ends when one of the countries reaches 83 points, even if less than 15 battles took place in that campaign.