Democracy Was More Fun

Day 2,847, 13:26 Published in Canada Canada by Hotelier

How Canadians feel at the moment

I feel plain and utter indifference to Rylde having taken over the country. A while ago I'd have been up in the ranks and yelling about giving the country back to the people. The truth is I like the game better with the bitter squabbling and intrigue. The fact that now there is only one guy in the lead and he's clicking all of the buttons is annoying, and the fact that we can do next to nothing about it is even more frustrating.

The last time Canada fell under dictatorship, the entire community fell silent and the forums went dead. I even went inactive after a while. With no outlet for my opinion, what's the point in even participating? Maybe this is what people in current dictatorships feel. Nothing we say matters, so why say it?

Rylde at the moment of the dictatorship update.

The truth is, I liked this game. I still manage to find a special place for it. I'm mournful of the fact that at the mercy of a few, we're going to sink back into inactivity, where we only escaped because of one person (Rylde) deciding they'd had enough.

But then again, if you don't like something, why participate? eRepublik is not beyond saving. We can still make this game better, if only they listened.

If only they listened.