Defilare aniversara GDF - 1 AN !

Day 1,874, 07:56 Published in Romania Argentina by andreas macs

Un mandru grup de legionari infiinteaza unitatea militara Garda de Fier-eLAM, unitate militara ce ramane strans legata de partidul politic eLegiunea Arhanghelului Mihail. Numele lor va ramane in istoria noastra si as vrea sa-i cunoasteti cu totii. Este vorba despre Exploit detected, Valahian, FreeGigi si LUC DA.

Nu trece mult timp si tot mai multi legionari-dar nu numai-se alatura grupului, unitatea militara crescand pe zi ce trece mai mult. Inca de atunci, oameni cu caracter si devotati GDF raman pana in ziua de azi aici, alaturi de noi. Printre acestia o sa ii amintesc pe ionut-dragos, Nichitescu Mihai si JohnCV-care comanda alternativ GDF impreuna cu Exploit detected, dar sunt multi altii care nu s-au abatut de la drum.


Garda de Fier avea sa devina membra cu drepturi depline a SMR, dupa o perioada in care am fost doar observatori.

Deja unitatea militara capatase amploare, iar tot mai multi oameni au ajuns sa-i treaca pragul, oameni cu care pot sa spun ca am fost si sunt mandru ca am ajuns sa colaborez.


In 7 ianuarie 2013, GDF implineste frumoasa varsta de 1 AN si avem de gand ca acest lucru sa nu treaca neobservat. De aceea va invitam pe chatul unde vor fi echipati cei ce vor sa ia parte la defilarea aniversara, incepand cu ora 21:00. Facem tot posibilul ca pana la 21:30 sa fie toata lumea echipata si sa putem defila sub aceeasi uniforma aniversara si anume:

Unitati militare din Serbia, Germania, Romania si Republica Moldova au dat curs invitatiei noastre, dar suntem onorati sa luptam alaturi de toti cei ce vor fi prezenti in data de 07.01.2013 pe chatul #GDF.
Va asteptam cu drag!

LA MULTI ANI Garda de Fier-eLAM ! o7

ENGLISH VERSION for our friends!

A proud group of Legionnaires establish the military unit Garda de Fier-eLAM , military unit that remains closely tied to the political party eLegiunea Arhanghelului Mihail . Their names will remain in our history and I want you to know them all. It is Exploit detected , Valahian, FreeGigi and LUC DA.

Not a long period of time passes, and more and more legionnaires-but not only -joins the group, military unit increasing day by day . Since then, people with character and devoted to GDF remain until today here with us. Among them she'll remember ionut-dragos, Nichitescu Mihai and JohnCV -GDF alternative commander with Exploit detected, but there are many others who have not strayed from the road.


Garda de Fier was to become a full member of the SMR, after a period where we were just observers.

Already military unit increased it's size and more people joined, people that I can say I was and I am proud that I got to collaborate with.


On 7 January 2013, GDF celebrating her 1 year anniversary and we thought that this will not go unnoticed. Therefore we invite you to chat which will feature those who want to take part in the anniversary parade, starting at 21:00. We'll do everything possible so that everyone to be equipped by 21:30 and can march dressed up in the same anniversary uniform that you can find here:

Military units from Serbia, Germany, Romania and Rep. Moldova have responded to our invitation, but we are honored to fight alongside all who will be present on the chat # GDF on 07.01.2013, at 21:00.
You are all welcomed!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Garda de Fier-eLAM! o7