Dan Wang for Idaho!

Day 825, 10:43 Published in USA USA by CerbisWar

From Congressional candidate Dan Wang

Why am I running for Congress?

I am running for Congress on the 25th under America’s Advancement Party in Idaho, USA, to make a difference in the way our government runs. I believe that I have the necessary skills to help our nation grow. I have been a proud, dedicated, and active citizen for several months now, but I feel that there are policies which ought to be revised.


Perhaps the most important of these is our tax system, which is why I plan to serve on the Budget and Finance committee if elected to Congress. As some may recall, there was a relatively close Congress debate a while back over the increase of VAT taxes for food. Opponents of this bill stated that increased taxes would cause ordinary citizens to suffer.

However, the price of q2 food, which provides a player enough wellness to work at a q1 company and to train, costs just over $1. The passed VAT change increased taxes by just 4%. In other words, new players will have to pay just 5¢ more for food. Higher quality foods will cost more, but players buying those foods are generally more experienced and can absorb the increase without much real difficulty. Therefore, there is not that much sacrifice on the part of each citizen, but with so many of us, it adds up to a lot of money.

Government Programs

The money will eventually come back to you and not just disappear into the bureaucracy, because the government will then use the money for programs such as Meals on Wheels, which provides free food for new players, increasing player retention rate and helping us in our quest for 10,000 Fists. Another program is Guns for Huns, which distributes free weapons to civilians. However, it is also rather expensive, and, for this reason, it is not used for some battles of moderate importance, such as our December assault on Kyushu.

As a result, potential damage was lost. Given how close the battle turned out to be, that loss of damage may have helped lead to our defeat. It is truly a shame that but for a lack of money the battle was lost. Although it eventually turned out well, we cannot count on that. Increased tax revenue would help prevent similar cases from occurring in the future.

Therefore, I will vote for higher taxes in other sectors, if it comes up. A growing distance seems to be forming between the citizenry and the government, as many politicians are very old players. However, you should remember that these tax increases, and all other Congressional actions which I will support, will affects me in the same way it will affect you. Even if it makes me less popular, I will always act on what will benefit our nation.

Free Trade

While I am in support of raising taxes for increased governmental revenue, the recently proposed raises in import taxes are not the correct approach. We currently operate in a free trade approach for import taxes, all having been set at 1%, the lowest rate allowed under the current tax module. The free trade approach promotes market efficiency and lowers prices for consumers, the market group comprising the vast majority among the population. On the other hand, business owners do suffer, to a degree, as a result of the foreign competition, but having an artificially inflated market does not, in the long run, serve our better interests. As long as foreign companies can succeed, so can ours. There are methods, which I will not go into detail here due to the length of the accompanying explanations, can be used to create profitability even under the current market condition.


In accordance with such, I will not make any false promises in this campaign, such as guaranteeing a Q5 hospital in every state. Our military leaders have concluded that our current fortress strategy is the most suitable to our current situation, and this will not be changed anytime soon, no matter how some other candidates may want you to believe.

I am firmly in support of our continued presence in EDEN, but we have to recognize that we are just part of the faction fighting Phoenix, an alliance comprised of former PEACE members. We will sometimes have to sacrifice some of our comparatively many regions for the greater good of our alliance. A good example was our assault on Kyushu. Certain players could not bear a few tactical retreats to the United Kingdom and wrote scathing criticisms of our the government, even calling for impeachment, and also directed players to fight in regions with distraction battles, which we later took back at our leisure. On the other hand, the battle for Kyushu was literally on the brink until the very last second, so the damage wasted in those distraction battles could have easily pushed the much more important battle for Kyushu into overtime, allowing us to have had a chance for victory.


Japanese diplomatic actions eventually gave us access to East Asia, which we have since freed from Phoenix, with the exception of a few regions in northern China. Therefore, if similar circumstances are encountered in the future, I will push for furthering diplomatic negotiation before declaring war, which bears significant cost for a nation as large as us.

The war with the United Kingdom has drawn to a close after discussions regarding the overall situation of the EDEN campaign took place. Essentially, the war was becoming too costly to justify the strategic purpose of the mission, which took place without full support from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Our focus can now be turned to East Asia again, where our campaign has stalled. Our occupation with the United Kingdom has allowed Serbia, a growing Phoenix power, to acquire Liaoning, another high iron region. More focus on East Asia will hopefully allow us to wholly remove Phoenix from the region.


Our acquisition of Karnataka, a region with high iron, has led to a large increase in our GDP. Although it is our every intention to do this eventually, we have not yet returned Karnataka to India, the original owner of the region, due to its small population and their professed inability to manage a high iron region. As such, Karnataka has been made our third fortress state to secure the region from Phoenix. With three hospitals already, I will support no motion for another fortress, unless the situation somehow changes drastically.

Pony Express

I am very much in support of the Pony Express, a government organization responsible for distributing official information to the general populace. Volunteers vote up official articles mailed to them by the Pony Express staff. However, because un-productive or false information still sometimes slips into the media, Congress may want to consider directing surplus revenue from taxes to help make this program even more effective.

So you have questions?

Please message either me if you have any questions about me or my opinions. Also, if you do not live in Idaho, USA, but wish to vote for me there, I am providing moving tickets, one to move to and the other to move back, as well as gifts to compensate for wellness lost by moving. I hope that you plan to vote for me for Congress on the 25th.