Current PP Stats

Day 695, 16:23 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

So far Seisan has a commanding lead in the AGW elections. Stormclouds is beating Ajay by 4 votes. Enoch also has a commanding lead. Ali will probably win. The others I don't think anyone really wants to hear about.
Political name calling is coming from Ajay about Stormclouds being a PTOer. Maybe if Ajay had actually been around the past couple of days he could have secured some votes. Right now as I write this article there is an ad to the right that says: "ANA-Vote for Ajay Bruno-A Leader We Trust!!!!! Stormclouds has insulted the founding father of the party, and is attempting to PTO the ANA. Vote for Ajay Bruno and preserve our Conservative values!" Interesting... May I also state that Stormclouds is much more active in the forums and he is deciding on how to create a better budget with Enoch, Ali, Alby, and yours truly, plus maybe a few stragglers. Ajay has done zilch. On that note I support Stormclouds for PP of the ANA.
Maybe Ajay will pull a TR and form another party so he can be the PP of it...