Conozca a Bolivia - La Perfida y Antigua "Enemiga" de la Region

Day 1,035, 08:27 Published in Bolivia Bolivia by Ernesto_Guevara

Conozca Bolivia - La perfida y antigua "enemiga" de la Region:

Es comun encontrar comentarios de agentes argentinos y afines afirmando que nuestra nacion ha sido, historicamente, una enemiga de la region. Que vamos a contracorriente, que nunca buscamos al resto, que estamos aislados por voluntad propia, que no nos interesa lo que ocurre fuera de nuestras fronteras...

Dicen que un grupo de elite, antidemocratico, ha detentado desde siempre el poder, yq ue gracias a ello Bolivia ha caido en todo aquello ennumerado en el parrafo anterior.

Habiendo sido 3 veces presidente de Bolivia y 15 veces Congresista (la amyoria de ellas en Bolivia), me toca en lo personal, y si hay algo que no tolero es la mentira descarada. Por eso escribo este articulo, exponiendo hechos, datos, como respuesta a la sinjurias sin fundamento ni argumento vertidas por los inmorales.


Mientras ALA se limitaba a ser una fantochada en manos argento-brasileras nosotros promoviamos acuerdos comerciales binacionales, en el marco territorial regional.

1. Ahi esta el acuerdo binacional comercial con Venezuela, en el que ellos nos exportaban oil y nosotros supliamos de madera su nuevo sector de construccion. Garantizar la madera para apuntalar su sector de construccion, ayudando a fijar precios mas bajos de los que habrian tenido sin nuestras ofertas fueron lso principales beneficios obtenidos por Venezuela. Su petroleo fue tambien importante para nosotros.

2. Mismo acuerdo obtuvimos con Mexico. Yo personalmente me encargue de negociar con Drako Yang en el msn y promover la discusion y aprobacion en el Congreso mexicano. Oil por madera y similares beneficios como los obtenidos por Venezuela.

Carga inaugural de madera boliviana, dirigida a mercados latinoamericanos

3. Con Peru (creo que fue Cazador) adelantabamos la posibilidad de hacer un acuerdo comercial preferencial basado en iron peruano y devolvieno nuestras manufacturas (armas).

4. Con Paraguay, intentamos organizar un wargame regional e incluso adelantamos negociaciones para ceder a ellos uan region boliviana, aumentando als regiones paraguayas de 2 a 3 con el beneficio de ampliar en 10 asientos su congreso nacional. Al tener identicos recursos no resultaba conveniente acuerdos comerciales basicos.

5. Con Chile tuve contactos personales para abrir su mercado a nuestra madera. Ahora mismo tengo una empresa minera de hierro exportando hierro peruano al mercado chileno.

Demostramos en hechos que nuestro objetivo es y sera la integracion latinoamericana.

6. Argentina: Repetidas veces buscamos un acuerdo comercial que permita a Argentina proveerse de madera boliviana de bajo costo. Creimos que eso quitaria presion y sus ansias de conquistar una region maderera (ahora stone) garantizando su provision. Nunca aceptaron NI SIQUIERA NEGOCIAR el tema porque segun su presidente, somos un pais insignificante e irrelevante y or lo cual no tenian que gastar su tiempo con nosotros.

7. Con Brasil se busco repetidas veces la creacion de un Acuerdo de Complementacion Economica. Queda en el archivo el Pacto Amazonico (diplomatico, economico, de defensa mutua) y la posibilidad de intercambio de materias primas a cambio de armas Q5 bolivianas.

Esa es la forma en que Bolivia "se aisla" del resto del continente.

Mientras algunos sueltan frases aprendidas de memoria en algun foro eargentino, yo les respondo con hechos, puntuales, contrastables y demostrables.


Bolivia es el Corazon de sudamerica y como tal, buscamos siempre utilizar la herramienta economica como herramienta de cohesion regional.

Donde no llegan los diplomaticos, llegan los comerciantes. El comercio al final trae la paz (salvo que los paises terminen gobernados por warmongers y trolls, o politicos de tan bajo calado que sean incapaces de comprender y aprovechar los principios minimos de relaciones internacionales).


Meet Bolivia: The ancient and perfidious regional "enemy":

It is common to find comments by Argentine agents and their followers saying that our nation has been, historically, an "enemy of the region". We are going against the tide, we never follow the rest, we are self-isolated by choice, we are not interested in what happens outside our borders ...

They say a group of elite, undemocratic, has always wielded power, and thanks to that Bolivia has fallen in all matters enumerated in the preceding paragraph.

Having been three-time president of Bolivia and 15 times Congressman (most of them in Bolivia), that touches me personally, and if can not tolerate something is the blatant lies. Thats why I write this article, stating facts, data, in response to the baseless insults or arguments expressed by the immorals.


While ALA merely become a useless puppet in the hands of Argentine-Brazilian, we were promoting binational trade agreements in the regional spatial framework.

1. There is the trade bilateral agreement with Venezuela, the oil that they exported to us and we suplied a new contruction sector with our wood. Ensure the wood to shore up its construction sector, helping to lower prices of which would have had without our offers, etc were the main benefits obtained by Venezuela. Its oil was also important to us.

2. Got the same agreement with Mexico. I personally handle negotiation with Drako Yang in the msn/IRC and promote discussion and approval in the Mexican Congress. Oil for wood and similar benefits as those obtained by Venezuela.

Inaugural loading of Bolivian wood, aimed at Latin American markets

3. In Peru (I think it was Cazador our counterpart) overtook the possibility of a preferential trade agreement based on Peruvian iron and sending back to them our manufactures (high quality weapons).

4. In Paraguay, we try to organize a regional wargame and even we advance negotiations to give them an Bolivian region, increasing Paraguayan regions from 2 to 3 with the benefit of 10 seats expand in its national congress. Having the same raw material was not appropriate to basic trade agreements.

5. In Chile I had personal contacts to open its market for our wood, having the venezuelan experience about how to start a new construction sector. Right now I have an iron mining company in Peru to export iron to the Chilean market. We promoted the private investment on export licences to Chile aswell other latinamerican markets.

Showed with facts that our objective is and will be Latin American integration.

6. Argentina: Time and again we seek a trade agreement with Argentina allowing Bolivian source wood low cost. We thought that it would remove pressure and desire to conquer a wood Region (now Stone) ensuring its provision. NEGOTIATION was never accepted even the issue because according to his presidente, we are a little country or insignificant and irrelevant, and which did not have to spend his time with us.

7. With Brazil we repeatedly seek the creation of an Economic Complementation Agreement. Filed is the Amazon Pact (diplomatic, economic, mutual defense) and the possibility of exchange of raw materials in exchange of Bolivian Q5 weapons.

That is the way in which Bolivia "is isolated from the rest of the continent".

While some loose phrases memorized in some eargentinian forum, I answer with facts, specific, testable and demonstrable.


Bolivia is the heart of South America and as such, we always use the economic tool as a tool for regional cohesion.

Were the diplomats cannot reach, traders arrive. At the end, trade brings peace (except that the countries end up ruled by warmongers and trolls, or political depth so low that they are unable to understand and exploit the minimal principles of international relations).